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You double the consonant before adding "ing" to a word that has a short vowel sound and ends with a single consonant if the consonant is preceded by a single vowel. This helps to keep the pronunciation of the word consistent.

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Q: When do you double the consanent when adding ing?
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Yes, the final "e" in "sniffle" is dropped when adding "-ed" or "-ing" to form past tense or present participle forms, resulting in "sniffled" and "sniffling."

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Shredding- use the double d (otherwise it would be "shreding" and you would say it like "shreeding")

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An example of this would be the word can as in to can vegetables. It becomes canned, or canning.

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night- N is a consanent I is a vowel G is a consanent H is a consanent T is a consanet. Oh by the way, sorry for the spelling errors.(: jolly Light Might Sword Stiff Click Watch Madly

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It would be a gaping hole. Gape ends in 'e' so you drop the 'e' before adding '-ing'. However, on a word that ends in a consonant, such as "hop", you double the last letter and add -ing (hopping).

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When adding "-ing" to a word ending in a consonant-vowel pattern, drop the vowel before adding "-ing". Most of these words will end in "e". Wrong: skateing Right: skating Wrong: takeing Right: taking Wrong: relateing Right: relating

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The word is spelled help, just as you spelled it.

How are present participles of verbs formed?

Present participles of verbs are formed by adding -ing to the base form of the verb. For example, the base form of the verb "run" becomes "running" when forming its present participle. However, there are some spelling rules to consider, such as dropping a final -e before adding -ing (e.g. live -> living) or doubling the final consonant after a short vowel before adding -ing (e.g. hop -> hopping).