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never you always strum if theres a note unless theres a whamy

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Q: When do you not strum on a note in Guitar Hero?
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Related questions

What is the purple line when playing guitar on guitar hero world tour?

Its only on the bass guitar, and when it comes to the note slots on the screen, you just strum the strum bar without holding down any notes.

How do you play the purple line in Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock?

For guitar just strum it like a normal note but do not press any fret.

How do you enter the Guitar Hero 3 cheats correctly?

Hold down the note or chord and strum. You should hear the note play. Then put in the next note or chord and strum.... When you get done entering the code it should tell you what the code you put it unlocks.

How do you stop a Guitar Hero guitar from clicking when you strum?

i don't think you can. it's annoying :/

What is strumming in Guitar Hero?

When you push the white bar on the body of the guitar up or down. Each move is called a strum and on Guitar Hero guitar, each strum is accompanied by a "click" sound. Sadly there is no click sound when strumming on a Rock Band guitar.

Can you use a gh3 ps2 Guitar Hero guitar for Guitar Hero 4 world tour bass guitar?

Yes, it is exactly the same. Bassists do not use the slider (as to my knowledge). The new 'addition' to the bass in Guitar Hero: World Tour is the 'Sixth' note. Simply strum without holding down a fret to play this note. It makes bassists have more of a challenge. It's really fun. This sixth note looks like the Kickstand note on the drums.

How do you enter the unlock everything cheat in guitar hero 3 I do not understand how to put it in when i read the cheat?

To enter cheats in guitar hero 3, go to the options menu, cheats, enter cheat. It will bring you to a menu where you have to hold down the relevant notes as to frets on the guitar neck and strum them. example. GR - Hold down the green and red fret, and strum. Release and hold down the next note, strum. release. etc.

Is there a only strum cheat for guitar hero on tour?


How do you fix the strum bar for guitar hero world tour for wii?

A high quality Photo Repair guide for fixing a double-strumming or broken Guitar Hero World Tour strum bar is here:

What are solid bars when you play bass on guitar hero 5?

Maybe they are open notes, strum the strum bar without pressing any buttons

How does the guitar controller work for Guitar Hero?

You press the keys it tells you to and strum on the notes when the note reaches the bottom of the screen. You can use the whammy bar on sustained notes (hold the button and don't hold the strum bar, just press it) for extra points. Lift the neck to activate star power (wii)

On guitar hero if the note goes white in the middle what does it mean?

If you hit the first one then you don't need to strum on the others but if you miss one you need to start all over again