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Kits should be left with their mother until they are 10-12 weeks old. She will not be milking her young by week 12 and they should be weaned onto solid food by this point. However it is best to leave the young with their mother and siblings to this point to allow for growth of immune system and basic learning. Once a mother has left her kits, she will not acknowledge them as her family and will mate freely with them if they are not separated.

You should not let the doe with Buck on the day of birth. He will impregnate her again within minutes of the birth and she will abandon her litter once she gives birth 4 weeks later. The kits will be far too young to be away from their mother.

A rabbit can be sexually active from around 14 weeks, however a doe of this age should not really be mated, she is likely to kill the young as she will not yet be old enough to look after her kits.

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Q: When do you remove the baby kits from the doe?
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Why a doe pluck her fur before giving birth?

A doe (female rabbit) will pluck its fur before giving birth because it is preparing a nest for her kits (baby rabbits). She will use the fur to keep the kits warm when she is not in the nest.

What happens if the buck rabbit keeps breeding the female?

The doe (female rabbit) will continue to produce kits (baby rabbits). Keep the buck (male rabbit) away from the doe after it gives birth because he may cause harm to the kits by trying to rebreed with the doe. A doe can get pregnant the same day it gives birth.

Where do rabbits have baby's?

A doe (female rabbit) will give birth in a nest box if it is domesticated. The nest box should be placed in cage or hutch after 27 days. The doe will move its fur into the next box so that the kits (baby rabbits) will be warm. Be sure to keep the buck (male rabbit) away from the doe and kits for this may be harmful to them.

What happens when a mother rabbit leaves five 10-day-old baby rabbits alone?

im hayli and my rabbit had four baby rabbits it is ok when the doe is not by her kits soo dont worry.

What is the most bunnies a bunny could have?

A doe can give birth to 2-10 kits. Usually you get 4, 5, or 6 kits when you mate them.------------------------------------------------------------------------Fun Fact-- a single doe can give birth to 48-80 kits in her lifetime!:)

What are baby kits?

Kits are baby foxes. It is the proper term to use.

Are baby guinea pigs called kits?

No, baby rabbits are called Kits.

How long is a doe pregnant?

For 28 to 31 days from the date of breeding. It will vary by age of doe and number of kits she is carrying.

How long after doe pulling fur will bunny babies be born?

Some does will pull fur 2 days before kits are born some will not pull fur until after kits are born, depends on your doe.

Is kits a word meaning plural baby minks?

yes, kits would be plural for baby minks

What is a female and a baby deer call?

female deer: doe baby deer: fawn

Do female rabbits who have just given birth nibble on their babies ears?

Does (female rabbits) normally groom their kits (baby rabbits), but don't cause them any harm. It sometimes happens that a doe will eat or hurt her kits. Refer to the related questions below for more information.