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A chemical change has occurred when a new substance is formed. Characteristics of this include a color change, precipitate is formed or it bubbles meaning a gas has formed.

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Q: When do you say that a change is chemical?
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A chemical change is a change in what?

it is ge in the substance that you have. say if you have a car and it has rust that is a chemical change

Is forming ozone from oxygen a chemical change?

Putting oxygen in tanks (under pressure) is a physical change, not a chemical change. The chemical nature of the oxygen has not been altered, and it is possible to recover the original substance, thus it is not a chemical change.

Is it true that a physical change and a chemical are exactly alike?

Not true, they are not similar; a chemical change is a change in the molecule, the physical change is not.

Is a egg cooking a chemical change?

I would say yes

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Burning is a chemical change.

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Is broken pieces a sign that a chemical change has occured?

Not really. A broken glass is still glass; no chemical change has occurred. But it is physically different, so it is better to say a physical change happened.

Is Cooking an apple is chemical or physical change?

Well let's see, to my extent of this subject,A Phisical change is when you can change it back and fourth, like water turning into ice.A chemical change would be impossible to reverse. Like Sodium mixing with chlorine to form salt.I can't say I'm 100% on this but because you cannot "uncook' an apple, i would say it's a chemical change.

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It's a chemical change

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it is a chemical change

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its a chemical change