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It depends if you throw up after each time you eat.

If you ate a normal amount before and now are starting on this routine... you should loose weight quickly

But please don't resort to this. It's not the answer. Find some healthy receipes and try them out. Find a friend or family member and go walking with them a few times a week.

AnswerDo you plan on eating a huge amount of food and then throw it all up? perhaps multiple times? because that's (a very generalised version of) what Bulimia Nervosa is. Most Bulimics are of normal or are overweight. while you throw up, you still absorb calories the moment the food goes into your mouth.

you cannot aquire bulimia. it is a disease. and i wouldn't suggest you try.

AnswerIf you're approaching bulimia as a diet method, you're not bulimic. It's an illness, not a diet. You're making yourself throw up, but you're not bulimic - bulimia nervosa is a mental health problem that touches people, often over-achievers who have control issues. It's about having a faulty relationship with food that goes beyond being overweight or not, guilt and trying to control everything about yourself.

If you make yourself throw up, you might lose weight a bit, but not a significant amount and you will gain it all back the moment you stop. And that's without mentionning the heartburns and serious (and permanent) health complications you'll developp. I've lived with bulimia since I was a teenager, and it's not a diet method. It's an unheathly relationship with food, yourself and the perception others have of you - and I don't mean of your weight. People have always seen me as the girl who can do everything and will succeed at everything, which is what made me developp the ED, because no one can be that. Food is comfort and food is guilt. It's not about being thin, because after almost a decade of living with it, I'd be the thinnest of them all if that were the case, and it's not.

YES you can develop bulimia, and anorexia. Proven fact.

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Q: When do you see results from throwing up and being bulimic?
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