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usually 6 to 8 weeks especially if you want to hand train them

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Q: When do you separate baby parakeets from mom and dad?
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How old are the parakeets when you separate them from mom?

2 years old

Do baby penguins stay with their mom or dad?

their dad

Do baby take their mom or dad skin color?

Baby has more chance to take their dad skin color then their mom.

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The mom and dad are over pertective

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Can you leave baby girbils in with both girbils?

If you mean can you leave mom and pop both in the tank with the babies, then yes. Dad gerbil will be "sent to the couch" for a few days while mom looks after the litter, but he will be welcomed back and start caring for the pups with mom. When your gerbils are at least six weeks old, you can then separate them from mom and dad and into their separate sexes.

Who takes care of the baby dolphin mom or dad?

the mom does

Can you have a baby for your brother?

no because when you have a baby your its mom or dad but if its your siblings baby then no

How do baby Parakeets get fed?

if there mom is not there you use a mini tube get fourmula mix water and give it to them

What type will baby be when mom is o- and dad is o plus plus?

If mom is O- and dad is O+, then the baby can either be O- or O+

Who feed the babies bugies the mom or dad parakeets?

mostly the mom would feed her babies. but when the babies are old enough to eat its food without it being regurgitated, the dad would break seeds for them and feed it to them.

After hamster have baby's do you take out the dad hamster?

yes the dad and mom ( sometimes the mom) will eat his babies. Also the babies do not need their dad only their mom for food.