

When do you suppose the world will end?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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i think tomorrow

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Q: When do you suppose the world will end?
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When is the actual date that the world will end?

it suppose to end on when the jesus christ comes to the earth

When is the prediction when the world is suppose to end?

December 6, 2012 6:00pm

Was World War I was the war said to end all wars?

Yes world war 1 was suppose to put an end to all wars.

Is the world supposed to end in December 12 2012?

The world is not suppose to end in 2012. The world is suppose to end when God wants it to end. Nobody can predict when the world is gonna end because if you could God wouldn't be a mystery. Some of you maybe believe my statement and some of you might not. It's totally up to you. My opinion is that the world isn't gonna end in 2012, because God wouldn't be a mystery then. O and guess what he is and always will be a mystery. That is why we love him and he loves us.

Do scientist think 2012 going to happen?

It's not going to end because in 2005 the world was suppose to end and it didn't and it's not gonna end in 2012 it depends on the world's condition it might or it might not only god knows when the world is going to end.

If World War 1 was suppose to end or wars why was there a world war 2?

Anger in Germany due to unfair terms on the Treaty of versailles.

Will the world ever end and why and how?

Yes at one point in about 1.5 Billion Years the sun will run out of Nuclear Energy and become a massive red giant and engulf the Solar System, including Earth.

When will the world end in 2012?

Scientists believe that the Mayans from 2012 A.D. predicted that the world will end in 2012 present which is now. The date it is suppose to end proven by scientists is August 13, 2012 at 11:13 am.

Why didnt the world end decmeber 12 2012?

It wasn't suppose to end. The Mayan calendar is like any calendar it ends. Every year our calendars end in December, but it doesn't mean the world is going to end. It is the same with the Mayan. Modern man read into it and placed his own meaning on something that is from a long ago past.

What is the present participle of the word suppose?

Supposing is the present participle of suppose. Present participles always end in -ing.

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No.There has been a rumor that Facebook will end on the 15th of March.This is because the weekly world news reported this saying:CEO Mark Zuckerberg claims that "managing [Facebook] has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness."

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At the end of Sonic and the Black Knight it shows that he was suppose to got out on a date with Amy but got pulled into another world before he had a chance to go out with her.