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Young burrowing owls moult into their adult plumage in their first summer.

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Q: When do young burrowing owls moult into their adult plumage?
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Do birds molt to shed parasites?

Nope, they moult to replace dammaged and worn feathers, young birds moult to gain their adult plumage, i.e. blackbirds, as fledglings they all look the same, mottled brown, around october time they will moult for the first time, and the males take on a black plumage, the females stay brown but loose most of the speckles on their chests.

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A young swan?

A young swan is called a cygnet. Cygnets typically have gray or brown feathers and will gradually develop their adult white plumage as they age. They are particularly vulnerable to predators when young, so they stay close to their parents for protection.

Where does a burrowing animal raises its young?

In their burrows.

What are baby crickets called when they are born?

An immature cricket is called a nymph, as are some other invertebrate insects. Nymphs look very similar to their adult forms and instead of entering a pupal stage (a cocoon is an example of a pupa), they moult (shed their exoskeleton) and the last moult produces an adult insect. Some aquatic insects, dragonflies for example, also produce young who do this. They're called naiads, which was the name for water nymphs in Ancient Greek mythology.

Does the young swan look similar to the adult swan?

In an adult, apart from having white plumage and a long neck (except in a black swan, Australia), there are several breeds of swans: mute, whooper, berwick, etc. So the appearance differs between breeds.

Why do young animal molts?

Animals molt -mostly reptiles- because their skin is too tight for them, then they molt. Thats why sometimes you see a snake skin or a lizard with flaky things on its back. Hopefully this answered your question.

On the Sims 3 what is the difference of a young adult to an adult?

A young adult is in there early 20's where as an adult is in there 30'. A young adult can marry an adult.

How do barn owls communicate?

Burrowing owls have different sounds to communicate, but their young has an interesting defense sound. When they feel threatened, young Burrowing Owls have a hiss that sounds identical to a rattlesnake.

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yes an ostrich does have hair infact very fine hair on their legs

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