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Q: When does A country experienced hyperinflation?
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When the German government increased the quantity of money in the German economy in the 1920s?

government experienced hyperinflation

Hyperinflation causes which economic effect in a country?

The country's currency becomes nearly worthless.

What does hyperinflation refer to in economics?

When referring to economics hyperinflation means when a country experiences high and accelerating rates of inflation. When hyperinflation occurs price levels in an economy rise, while the value of currency drops quickly.

When does a country experience hyperinflation?

When its currency loses value at the same time prices increase.

What nation experienced extreme hyperinflation or skyrocketing cost of goods that contributed to the start of World War 2 France Germany Britain Japan?

Germany .

Which country recorded the worst hyperinflation between 1900 and 2000 and what was the effective daily inflation rate?


What are reasons your country has experienced a decline?

It depends entirely on what country "your country" refers to.

Which country experienced widespread ethnic conflict following the collapse of its Communist regime?

Yugoslavia was the country that experienced ethnic conflict. The country was divided into 7 different nations.

What is the range of hyper inflation?

Hyperinflation is an extremely rapid or out of control inflation and there is no precise numerical definition to hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is a situation where the price increases are so out of control that the concept of inflation is meaningless.

What does lung hyperinflation stimulate?

Lung hyperinflation stimulates pulmonary stretch receptors. A person who experience lung hyperinflation can end up having COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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every part of a country has experienced tornadoes

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