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Q: When does Apollo send a plague on the Greeks?
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What was the plague that Apollo put on the Greeks?

Apollo didn't spread a single plague over the Greeks. Instead, he shot infected arrows at the soldiers during to Trojan War.

How does Apollo punish the Greeks?

He sends a plague that killed many Achaeans.

What does Apollo want the Greeks to do before he stops the plague?

He told them to pray to him everyday.

What does Apollo want the Greeks to do before he will stop the plague?

He told them to pray to him everyday.

Who sends a plague against the Greeks in The Iliad?

Apollo, or, as he is called in the Iliad, "the lord of the silver bow".

Who send the plague to the greek camp at the beginning of the iliad because chryses daughther was not returned?

It was Apollo that sent the plague to the Greek camp. Apollo was a god and Chryses prayed to him to get his daughter back.

What was Apollo's role in the Trojan war?

In revenge for the Greeks having abducted the daughter of an Apollo priest, Apollo spread a plague among the Greeks. He also guided the arrow Paris shot at Achilles, so it hit his only vulnerable spot, and Achilles died.

What was Apollo's role in Trojan war?

In revenge for the Greeks having abducted the daughter of an Apollo priest, Apollo spread a plague among the Greeks. He also guided the arrow Paris shot at Achilles, so it hit his only vulnerable spot, and Achilles died.

Who does Oedipus Rex send out to fix the plague?

Creon, he goes to find out from Apollo what has caused the plauge

Why did Apollo send a plague to the greek camp in Iliad book 1?

The men had been having affairs with women and one of the girl's father was a priest for Apollo.

Who is god Apollo?

Apollo was the great Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young. He was worshiped by both the Romans and the Greeks.

What 2 conditions does Kalchas say must be fulfilled before Apollo will release the Greeks from the plague?

A very big sacrifice must be made to Apollo.Chryseis must be returned to her father and the Greeks are not allowed to be paid ransom.