

When does a hazard become a disaster of tsunami?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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A hazard only becomes a disaster when there is a loss of human life or significant detriment to the economy either destroying businesses or agricultural land.

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Q: When does a hazard become a disaster of tsunami?
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How does hazard become a disaster?

A hazard becomes a disaster when human life, property and environment has come to harm.

What is a naturally occuring event that threatens people and their activities?

A natural disaster... something like a tornado or a tsunami, or a natural hazard, like quicksand or an iceberg.

What causes a hazard to become a disaster?

The reason a hazard becomes a disaster is because the hazard is ignored. Most disasters can be avoided if care is taken to correct minor situations.

How a hazard become a disaster explain?

a disaster occurs when the impact of a hazard on a section of society is such that the people are unable to cope with the event, causing death, injury. loss of property and economic losses.

What is naturally occurring event that threatens people and their activities?

A natural disaster... something like a tornado or a tsunami, or a natural hazard, like quicksand or an iceberg.

is there a natural disaster with the letter i?

With the letter I anywhere in it? Tsunami.

When is a Tsunami a disaster?

All the time.

Is flood and tsunami is a disaster?

A flood and a tsunami can be a disaster (natural disaster). But not all the time. The only time you can count these as a disaster, if it has killed many people or people and animals. Like the floods we had in January 2011.

What is the difference between a natural disaster and a nuclear disaster?

A natural disaster is the consequence when a natural hazard affects humans whereas a nuclear hazard is the outcome of inproper use of neclear energy. A natural disaster is natural and neclear is man-made.

Why is a tsunami described as a natural disaster?

A tsunami is described as a natural disaster because it is a naturally ocurring event that can cause massive death and destruction.

How does a hazard led to a disaster?

A hazard is a warning to people(s) that by doing something to a object it could cause a disaster. Eg. a hazard warning on a door. by going in you could get radiation poisoning, leading to a disaster. or if there is a hazard warning for a area and it then escalates causing a disaster ( winds pick up and turn into a twister).

What isNatural disaster?

A natural disaster is a large disaster done by nature. (Hurricane, tornado, tsunami, etc)