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It is best to contact your local authority.

Conditions vary in different parts of the country. The health and safety of children and staff are important considerations. If they are unable to reach the school, or, if, having reached school they will be unable to return home, the school will be closed.

OFFICIAL SNOW DAYS (Schools closed due to snow):

  • Alaska: (599 schools) Snow days extremely rare. They only close when the temperature is below -40°C.
  • Australia: Each district has an official quota of snow days in their school calendars. Additional days can be designated by the state as snow days if blizzard conditions warrant it.
  • Hawaii: (283 public schools) Warm tropical weather throughout the year. There is snow on the highest mountains, but no 'snow days'.
  • India: Generally free of snow, except in mountain regions e.g. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand. In extreme cold weather conditions which create thick fog some schools are officially closed by order of the relevant district (government) office. But in places where temperatures can exceed 40°C for several weeks, schools are more likely to close due to heat-waves rather than snow.
  • Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland): Snow is normal, and life goes on. Snow days very rare. But on these rare occasions, it can get very cold (-51°C or colder), and schools close.
  • UK: Snow days are rare. But in very severe weather conditions (snow/ice) many, if not all, schools close because snow/ice makes many non-trunk roads impassable or unsafe.
  • USA: Snow days vary from state to state. In the mid-west, many schools have to close in harsh snow conditions (rare). In southern states snow days are very rare.
  • Zimbabwe: No snow days.
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12y ago

In the Midwest United States, yes, schools close if there is a blizzard. When there was a blizzard in the 1970's, schools were closed for at least a week or two because of the massive amount of snow that fell (at least for that area of the country).

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12y ago

Closing school when it snows is determined more on what road conditions are than anything, so there is no rule on when to close during snow. School administrators close a school when they determine that conditions are such that it is not safe for students to be transported to school. The reason is to keep students safe.

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What is the maximum limit of snow for schools to close in Scotland?

There is no maximum limit on the amount of snow that would cause schools to close in Scotland. Once enough snow fell and the roads were not safe, schools would close. More snow might mean that schools were closed for a longer period of time.

How many inches of snow will cause schools to close so no kids are in school?

The amount of snow that would cause schools to close varies in different areas. A northern area that is prepared to clear snow off the roads might not close schools at all unless several feet of snow fell, and maybe not even then. In areas that are not as well prepared, a few inches of snow might result in schools closing if road conditions were bad or expected to become slick and hazardous.

How do schools decide when to close?

Decisions to close schools is often determined by what condition the roads are in during snow and ice storms. Officials might also close schools for other weather-related emergencies, power failure, etc.

Can Scottish schools close with 8 inches of snow?

yes school CAN definitely close with 8 inches of snow

How many inches of snow do you need to have a snow day?

Weather that qualifies for a snow day is generally when the roads are too dangerous for travel. In the US, schools located in the south (south of the Ohio River) might close for as little as half an inch of snow, while schools in west Michigan, the Lake Ontario shore line of Pennsylvania and New York might not close for six inches of snow or more. It depends too on how close to school opening times the snow falls. If it has to have snowed enough to block some main roads, or block most of the school or the roads around it, then school will probably be canceled. The ability of plows to keep up with snow, and people to drive in it, also varies greatly regionally.

What makes a school close for a snow day?

Schools close for snow days because the roads become slick and hazardous. They want students to be safe, so they close.

Are schools closed during level 1 snow emergency?

Level 1 Snow Emergency does not necessarily mean the exact same thing in all areas, but one thing common to all is at least some roadways have become slick and hazardous. The roadways might be township or county roads, with more frequently traveled main roads still being in pretty good shape. Regardless of the exact meaning of Level 1 Snow Emergency, it is likely that schools would need to close in many areas.

Can 1 to 2 inches of snow in New York close school?

It is possible, but not likely. New York is a northern state that is well prepared for much more snow than 1 to 2 inches. It would probably take much more snow than that for schools to need to close.

How many days did NYC schools close for snow from 1950 t0 1960?


What is it called when school and other services are cancelled due to unusually heavy snow?

When schools or services close due to unusually heavy snow, it is often called a snow day.

Why is it good to remove snow from your roof?

It is good to remove snow of your roof is because when you close the door you might close it hard and then a pile of snow will fall non top of you and you don't want that to happen do you.

How much snow would it take for a city to close their schools?

In the UK, it is chiefly up to your headteacher to decide, they look at how many staff can get in , conditions of roads and student safety. I'd say a good 4 inches of snow would be enough to temporarily close a school. In the US, the amount of snow it would take to close city schools would depend on where the city is located and how well they are prepared to deal with wintery weather conditions. Some cities do not close school for snow at all.