

When does a spring lose its elasticity?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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15y ago

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i dont think it does but it might if its rusted

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A spring loses its elasticity when it is stretched beyond its elastic limit, causing it to deform permanently. This can happen if the spring is subjected to too much force or repeated stress over time. Once a spring has exceeded its elastic limit, it will no longer return to its original shape when the force is removed.

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Q: When does a spring lose its elasticity?
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Why is the spring of the hardness tester never be left under tension?

Leaving the spring of the hardness tester under tension for extended periods can lead to deformation or permanent set, affecting its accuracy and reliability. Releasing the tension when not in use helps maintain the spring's elasticity and ensures consistent hardness test results.

What are things that lose elasticity?

Some examples of things that can lose elasticity include rubber bands, skin as we age, and elastic waistbands on clothing that have been stretched out over time.

Who invented spring balance?

The spring balance was invented by Richard Salter, a British balance maker, in the late 18th century. His invention revolutionized the way weight measurements were taken by utilizing the elasticity of a spring to measure force.

Why the mass of the spring had not necessarily been taken into consideration in the spring elastisity experiment?

In the spring elasticity experiment, the mass of the spring is often neglected because the mass of the spring itself is usually negligible compared to the masses being hung on it. Additionally, the focus of the experiment is typically on the relationship between the force applied to the spring and the resulting extension, rather than the mass of the spring.

What are some examples of spring scale?

Some examples of spring scales include handheld luggage scales, kitchen scales, and fishing scales. These devices use the elasticity of a spring to measure the force exerted on them, providing a reading of the weight of an object.

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Why do spring balance shows wrong readings after they have been used for a longtime?

After prolonged use the springs lose some of their elasticity. As a result the calibration is inaccurate.

What causes the arteries to lose there elasticity?

When the artery walls lose their elasticity, this is called arteriosclerosis. When this happens, the body has a tougher time circulating blood.

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Skin does not spring back immediately when pushed because of the elastin fibers and collagen in the dermis that allow it to maintain its shape. As we age, these fibers weaken, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and not return to its original position as quickly. Additionally, factors such as sun exposure, smoking, and genetics can also contribute to the loss of skin elasticity.

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If it jiggles, it is losing elasticity. We all will go through that.

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Examples of elastic materials?

Rubber Band and spring is an examples of elasticity materials

Why is the spring of the hardness tester never be left under tension?

Leaving the spring of the hardness tester under tension for extended periods can lead to deformation or permanent set, affecting its accuracy and reliability. Releasing the tension when not in use helps maintain the spring's elasticity and ensures consistent hardness test results.

What changes in lung expansion with age?

The lungs lose elasticity so they expand less.

What Robert Hooke's law is?

Hooke's Law states that the force needed to compress or stretch a spring is directly proportional to the displacement of the spring from its equilibrium position. This means that as long as the material of the spring remains within its elastic limit, the relationship between force and displacement is linear.

What are things that lose elasticity?

Some examples of things that can lose elasticity include rubber bands, skin as we age, and elastic waistbands on clothing that have been stretched out over time.

What is the limit of proportionality?

limit of proportionality is the point where the spring expands in a non linear way / limit of elasticity is the point where the spring doesn't come back to it original shape