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Q: When does an observer at a railroad crossing hear the lowest frequency of a trains whistle?
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Why does a round whistle produce sound at a constant frequency when you blow steadily into it?

The whistle works by causing the smooth flow of air to be split by a narrow blade, sometimes called a labium or windcutter, creating a turbulent vortex which causes the air to vibrate. The length of the chamber typically defines the resonance frequency.

Why frequency of thunder is 50 hertz and frequency of whistle is 1000hertz?

It just is. Sound behaves like a wave, and the pitch of the sound affects the wavelength. And wavelength is directly related to the frequency. A high pitched sound has a a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency than a low-pitched sound.

In your voice if amplitude coresponds to loudness means then what frequency corresponds?

Frequency corresponds to the 'pitch' of the voice. The sounds in a little girl's voice have higher frequencies than the sounds in an adult man's voice. And the sound of a whistle has a higher frequency than the sound of a tuba or foghorn.

Describe the Doppler effect?

VROOOOOOOMMMM! The change in pitch when a car speeds by, first higher (when approaching) then lower (when receding).The Doppler effect is the term we give to the apparent change in frequency of waves (often light or sound waves) as the distance between the source and the observer changes. If either the source or the observer of a wave is moving so that the effect is that they are getting farther apart or closer together, the Doppler effect will appear. Let's look more closely.If the distance between the observer and the source of a wave is decreasing because they are closing in on each other, something happens. The wave, which is normally characterized by a given frequency and an associated wavelength, will appear to increase in frequency (and decrease in wavelength). Let's get even closer and break it down a bit to see what happens.When a wave reaches at an observer, it has a given wavelength. If there is no change in the distance between that observer and the source that wavelength remains constant. But if the distance of separation is decreasing (say if the sensor - observer - moves towards the source 8motion is relative so it does not matter which of the source or sensor moves relative to any frame of reference), as the crests and troughs of the wave arrive the observer will be (apparently) "running towards the next peak or trough" of the wave. This makes the wave appear to have a shorter wavelength. The observer is "running to intercept" the oncoming wave and the next crest or trough will "arrive sooner" because of the relative motion. This gives the effect of a change of frequency of the wave, and it makes it appear higher in frequency (with an accompanying shorter wavelength).If there is no change in distance between the source and the observer, the wave has a given wavelength. When a crest of the wave arrives at the observer's position, it takes "x" amount of time for the next crest to arrive. That's the period of the wave, or the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. If the source and/or observer are/is moving relative to one another and the distance is closing, the "next crest" will "arrive sooner" and the period of the wave is effectively reduced. A shorter period of a wave equates to a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength. As the distance between the observer and the source opens, the opposite effect can be seen. Doppler effect isn't too tough to get a handle on if you work with it and think it through.If you've ever stood beside a roadway (or railroad track) with a vehicle (or train) coming toward you at speed, it has a given pitch (frequency). As it passes and moves away, the pitch (frequency) goes down. Simple and easy to observe. In astronomy, we note that the colors of stars in very distant galaxies are "wrong" as we observe them, but by "shifting the frequency" to increase it, they take on their "correct" colors. (*We know the "correct" colors due to the obvious pattern of spectral lines which the elements in a star have. The distant galaxies are moving away from us, and the light they emit is lower in frequency as we observe it than it would be if we were not moving apart. That light has been shifted toward the lower end of the optical spectrum, which is toward the red end. This is red shift, or the so-called redshift (one word) you hear about in astrophysics.Need a link for more information? Look below and you'll find some.When pitch rises as sound approackes then drops as the source passes by example: sirens

High pitch whistle or a drum?


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What does the WX sign post mean along old railroad tracks?

The sign stands for "Whistle Crossing". Many of these signs say "Begin WX" with the word begin on top of the WX. The sign also instructs the engineer where to start blowing his whistle. Engineer blows standard crossing sequence. Long, Long, short, Long.**ACTUALLY** to answer your question accurately, "W" signs stand for Whistle (for single Crossing). "WX" signs means Whistle for multiple crossings. Straight out of the NORAC railroad rulebook.

What is the whistle in Animal Crossing Wild World?

There is no whistle in wild world.

What is the first warning signal of an approaching train on a level crossing?

The train whistle or the red warning lights flashing is the first warning signal of an approaching train on a level crossing. At many railroad crossings, the stop arm would be blocking access to crossing the tracks.

What is the best frequency to control a dog?

There is no best frequency. If you train a dog correctly any frequency the dog can hear will control it. Your voice, whistle, 'silent' whistle. All are acceptable.

Why do engineers on trains blow whistles at railroad crossing?

As a warning for the way to be cleared. A whistle may also be blown before a train enters a long tunnel or deep cutting, in case engineers are working on the track ahead.

Can you get a whistle in Animal Crossing Wild World?

you can't buy whistles

Do you need all the types of fossilsin Animal Crossing wild world to get the whistle?

No i have animal crossing and i dont think that it is true no one has told me or i have not seen a cheat about getting a whistle. No you cant get it if anyone can i apologize .

What is the sound of whistle called?

yes, a whistle sound is high pitched sound

A dog whistle has a frequency of 25000 Hz which other animals can produce this frequency?

its mostly mammals such as dogs cats rats

What can you do to improve your chances of hearing a trains whistle?

maybe to turn all loud music and sounds off while near a railroad crossing. Always pay attention and lilsten to if you hear a train. Never turn your back from a train while walking on it.

How do you get the whistle on animal crossing wild world?

Well if you give tom nook 50 unchecked fossils he will give you a whistle and someone will take you to the moon.

Is this true or false The whistle of a teakettle has a greater frequency than a drumbeat?
