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Q: When does blood enter the ventricles?
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Why does not the blood enter the ventricles directly?

Because it has to be pumped into the ventricles with some pressure so they can fill up with blood before getting pumped out of the heart and into the lungs and the body.

What is the phase of ventricular relaxation?

Yes, when the AV valves open and blood begins to enter the ventricles they are in isotonic relaxation. This is why the pressure does not increase in the ventricles during this time.

Does the atrium pump blood to all parts of the body?

No, because the left and right atria are the collecting chambers. They hold theblood until it can enter the ventricles. The ventricles are the pumpingchambers. They cause the blood to move around the body.

What pumps blood away from heart?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

When the ventricles contract blood flows from the right ventricles to what?

The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs.

Is the Systolic pressure is a measure of blood pressure when the ventricles relax and fill with blood?

No. I think the systolic pressure is when ventricles constrict and the blood goes out , while the diastolic pressure is when ventricles relax and fill with blood.

What part of the blood is atria and ventricles?

The Atria and Ventricles are parts of the heart not the blood. The Atria is the upper chambers of the heart and the Ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart.

Does blood enter the heart through the ventricles?

No. The blood is always pumped in one direction.

What is the function of the upper and lower chambers of the heart?

the upper chambers collects blood before sending it into the ventricles. the ventricles which are also known as the lower chambers pump blood away from the heart.right and left atrium. they collect and hold blood before sending them into the ventricles. the ventricles pump the blood away from the heart.

Do the ventricles receive blood from the body?

no,ventricles donot receive blood from the body

How does the heart perform it functions?

The atriums squeeze to push blood to the ventricles, and the ventricles push the blood to separate parts the body.

What does the ventricles pump blood into?

The aorta .