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It cannot become flammable

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Q: When does carbon dioxide become flammable?
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Is dry ice flammable?

Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can cause suffocation, and is not flammable (often used in certain fire extinguishers).

What gas will put out flames?

Carbon Dioxide is a non-flammable gas that will extinguish flames.

Why is carbon dioxide a by-product of fire?

Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs when a flammable substance reacts with oxygen and forms oxides. Most flammable substances on Earth contain carbon, and so will produce carbon dioxide when burned.

What flammable gas is found underground?

carbon dioxide and water vapor

What will the carbon dioxide eventually become?

Carbon dioxide will eventually become oxygen

Why you use carbon dioxide in fire extinguish equipments?

Because carbon dioxide is not flammable and things cannot burn in it. So if it envelopes a fire, that fire will go out.

Does Carbon dioxide burn with a squeaky pop?

Carbon Dioxide gas is not flammable at all, it will not burn at all! The gas which does burn with a pop sound is hydrogen gas.

Can carbon monoxide be used in fire extinguisher?

Not really. Carbon monoxide fumes are toxic and it is cheaper and easier to produce (and use) carbon dioxide instead. Additionally, carbon monoxide is flammable. It reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.

What is carbon dioxide classified as?

It is a non-flammable gas. It is considered a Simple Asphyxiant because it displaces air and if the concentration is high enough you'll suffocate. In shipment CO2 is a Non-Flammable Compressed Gas.

Does carbon dioxide react same like hydrogen to a fire?

No. Hydrogen will easily ignite if it comes in contact if fire. Carbon dioxide is not flammable at all and can even be used to put out a fire.

Why do fire extinguishers have carbon dioxide when fire is made out of carbon dioxide?

carbon dioxide is significantly denser than air and tends to settle on the ground displacing oxygen and putting out the fire. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the atmosphere so 100% nitrogen isn't very different in density than air.

What substance is formed when carbon burn?

When Carbon is burnt the main product formed is Carbon dioxide(CO2), which is in gaseous state. It the combustion is done where oxygen supply is less, small amounts of impurity, Carbon monoxide(CO), is formed along with the main product. This is also a gas but it is colorless, flammable and highly toxic. This gas is very flammable and will burn with a blue flame to produce Carbon dioxide.