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Cholera occurs when adequate public health measures have broken down. Specifically, this happens when populated areas experience sewage overflow, in times of heavy rains. Coliform bacteria, from feces, spread throughout the water supply, and diarrrheal disease can be difficult to treat when an epidemic breaks out. Thus, many people often die during severe cholera outbreaks.

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Q: When does cholera occur?
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What are some facts about cholera?

Two important and/or interesting facts about this disease.Cholera symptoms can occur within 24 to 48 hours of being infected.Without cholera treatment, serious infections can result in death within hours.cholera gives you dioreah

Why does cholera occur after disasters?

After the disasters like the earthquakes, your water supply schemes may get damaged. The sewage systems usually go parallel to your water supply schemes. The contents get intermingled and cholera bacteria are on the top list to take advantage of the situation.

Why does cholera often occur in areas hit by war or natural disasters?

Because the weather that happened has it down so it will be in a hurting or disatirest place

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What is a sentence using cholera?

cholera is poopy.

How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.

Does chlorine cause cholera?

Chlorine does not cause cholera. You may get cholera, by absence of that little chlorine in public water supply.

What happens when you breathe cholera?

You will not get the cholera by breathing the cholera bacilli. They can infect the gut only. You may get immunized to cholera. But immunity to cholera is short lasting and is not very effective as well. By injecting dead cholera bacilli you get the immunity for cholera.

Can you be vaccinated for cholera?

Yes. You can be vaccinated for cholera. That is an opportunity to discuss about the preventive measures to be taken to prevent the cholera.

Why does cholera occur in areas hit by natural disasters?

Cholera typically infects people through contaminated water. In many natural disasters people may lose their access to clean water and normal sanitary services. Flooding in particular can actually contaminate water supplies.

What is cholera voctor?

Vector, can transmit cholera; the disease.

What is the meaning of anti cholera?

anti-cholera meaning