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daichi kisses Najika when it is before the cooking competition but Hagio-sensei collapsed and Daichi went to take care of her. but Najika didn't know that and went to Hokkaido in stead of the competition. then, they meet at the river in lavender fields and kiss. They also do that in the end of the book.

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Does najika loves daichi?

yes najika does love daichi. but it was after sora's death. najika loved sora. when sora died najika lost her sense of taste. one day she realized najika loves daichi. and her sense of taste came back.

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yes he did. najika was in love with sora. najika was so sad that she lost her sense of taste. daichi is sora younger brother. daichi and najika spend each other lots of times. then najika realizes that she had fallen in love daichi.

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i think sora likes najika like a friend. but najika loved sora. but soon sora had died and she was sad. then she realized she loves daichi and daichi loves her too.

Do najika and daichi in kitchen princess end up dating?

Yes. They do.

Does daichi and najika kissed?

yes they did. read volume 4 and volume 10.

Will daichi and Najika be together?

Yes, they will be. If you want to read it, you should look in the library! It's so good!

Did Sora died in the car crash?

yes he did. najika loved sora she was so sad that she lost her sense of taste. najika and daichi alway's spend time together. she had grown to love him.

Does Sora died in kitchen princess?

Yes he did died. Najika was sad about it but she got over it and continued her cooking. Finally one day she fell in love with daichi.

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The Flan Prince is actually Daichi who lost his memory because his mother died when trying to save him from logs falling. He couldn't remember so he said no to Najika when they went to Hokkidao with Sora before he died in volume 6.

Did Najika parent's died in the car crash?

Yes her parents died in the car crash. She was sent to the lavender house years passed she went to the seika academy to find the boy who saved her from drowning. Sora told her he the boy who save her from drowning but she finds out he not the one she looking for. But it turns out to be daichi.

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Mao Daichi is 166 cm.

Why does najika lose her taste in kitchen princess?

Najika loses her taste because Sora-senpai dies, and she thinks that he is her "flan prince".