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It can take 10 to 100 years


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after a lava flow

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Q: When does ecological succession begin?
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Can ecological succession begin when seeds are carried to bare areas by birds or the wind?


What is the climax stage of an ecological succession?

An ecosystem undergoes what is referred to as ecological succession in response to a disturbance. Ecological succession is the natural process in which a disturbed area is gradually taken over by a species or groups of species that were not there before.

True or false an existing community is gradually replaced by another community in an ecological succession?

Ecological Succession--The gradual replacement of one community by anotherPrimary Succession--Ecological succession that happens where there are few, if any, living things.Secondary Succession--Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists.

What is the process by which one community gradually changes into another?

Ecological Succession--The gradual replacement of one community by anotherPrimary Succession--Ecological succession that happens where there are few, if any, living things.Secondary Succession--Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists.

What is the final product of Ecological Succession?

The final stage in the ecological succession is called The Climax Community.

What is the differentiate of ecological backlash from ecological succession?

The difference between ecological succession from ecological backlash. Ecological Succession is the predictable changes in the ecosystem. Ecological Backlash is the unexpected and detriminal consequences of an enviromental modification which may outweigh that gains anticipated form the modification. THANK U

What is the difference between ecological succession to ecological backlashes?

the differences in the ecological succession and the ecological backlashes the ecological succession:in short words it is the changes the environment the ecological backlashes:in short words it is the revenge the environment thank you!!!!!!

How does rural and urban planning affects ecological succession?

explain how rural or urban planning offects ecological succession

The series of predictable changes that occurs in a community over time is called?

The Answer is ecological succession. Hope this helps!

What type of area will undergo the fastest ecological succession?

seconary succession

Is ecological succession random?

Yes it is

What kind of ecological succession occurs when soil has not yet formed?

primary succession