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When the ground water flow out of the earth surface as a form of spring.

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1mo ago

Groundwater becomes surface water when it emerges from the ground and flows above the Earth's surface, such as in streams, rivers, lakes, or wetlands. This can occur through natural processes like springs or seeps, or through human activities such as pumping from wells.

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When does surface water become ground water?

When the ground water flow out of the earth surface as a form of spring.

How long does it take surface water to become ground water?

it takes about 34 days

When does groundwater become surface water?

Groundwater can become surface water through processes like seepage, springs, or wells. When groundwater levels rise high enough to intersect the ground surface, it emerges as surface water.

In what way does groundwater become surface water?

Groundwater can become surface water through springs, where the water table intersects the ground surface, or through seepage into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. This process is influenced by factors such as topography, geology, and the level of the water table.

Is a river surface or ground water?

Ground water

What is the list of the steps by which surface water can become groundwater?

Surface water can become groundwater through the process of infiltration, where water seeps through the ground and fills the spaces in soil, rocks, and sediments. This infiltrated water can percolate deeper into the ground due to gravity, eventually reaching the water table. Once the water reaches the water table, it becomes groundwater.

Is New York's water ground water or surface water?

new York's water is neither ground water or surface water it is sky water

Is it surface water or underground water?

what is the upper surface of ground water

What do you call water that is absorbed into the ground?

Ground water, surface water, river water, etc.

What are two ways the ground water reaches Earth's surface?

Ground water is on or in the ground, it does not reach it.

Why is surface water more polluted than ground water?

In short, certain areas have radioactivity, which can contaminate ground water, even long after surface water has regenerated itself. Even floods, sink holes-all kinds of things, can cause water to become contaminated. Surface water can be contaminated easily, by farmers' chemicals, oil from vehicles, including watercraft. Anything that contaminates can get to surface water.

The surface of ground water is called?

Water Table