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Doctor's used to prescribe medicine that would dry up breast, immediately following child birth, when a new mom was not going to breast feed baby....Now, they refuse too, claiming that the side affects of these medications are too harmful....

I am the Grandma and I took the medication after each one of my children were born.

Noticed zero side effects and it seems it is even more unhealthy for the new mom to have to worry with lactating breast trying to care for a newborn baby.

While I can not argue with your personal experience, what can be easily argued with are medical facts. The well proven truth is that breast feeding is of enormous benefit to the child who is given this head start in life. Breast feeding actually removes worry from the new mother's life. The mother who breast feeds knows without a doubt that her baby is getting preciously the right and very best source of nutrition. She also knows that her baby is receiving an extra dose of immunities and other secondary protections. She also is building additional bonding and closeness with her baby that a plastic bottle cannot afford. Then there are the health benefits that come to the nursing mother. A woman who breast feeds is also doing one of the best things possible to avoid Breast cancer. The long and short is that any mass produced chemical blend cannot begin to compete with natural and pure breast milk.

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Q: When does milk dry up if your not breast feeding after giving birth?
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Its quite possible for that to happen, due to any number of factors.

What comes out of a womans breast 3 days after giving birth?

colostrum milk which is full of nutrient for the baby

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Breast feeding cannot be replaced by the bottle feeding. The reason is that you cannot find the purest milk from anywhere other than mother's milk. It is possible that you suck the breast milk and save it in bottle for later feeding.

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My breast leaked over a year after I had my children.My doctor said it was normal.

Can formula be used beside breast feeding in the first six months?

Breast milk is best for your child but formula milk can be used alongside breast milk

How do you do breast feeding?

You don't breast feed grown men and breast milk tastes terrible.

Is breast milk safe after several days of not breast feeding?

Yes because it will not spoil.

How many months will a mother lactate after giving childbirth?

If she is breast feeding her child, she can lactate for years as long as she is getting herself sucked dry 2-3 times in a day. If she has stopped breast feeding, her breasts will stop producing milk after 4-6 months.

What are the advantages of breast feeding?

the advantages of breast feeding are that if you brest feed your baby it is most likely your baby will be stronger than if you use normal milk.