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Spermatogenesis begins at puberty and throughtout life, the pituitary gland produces FSH, which results in meiosis.

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14y ago

Yes, boy's testicles start producing sperm during puberty.

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10y ago

In humans he total process takes 74 days. Yes, it begins at puberty and ends at a very very old age.

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Q: Does spermatogensis begin during puberty
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How much sooner does girls Puberty begin before boys?

Puberty does not begin at the same time for everyone. Girls on average begin puberty a year before boys.

What stage during puberty will menstruation begin?

Menstruation typically begins in either late Tanner stage II or early Tanner stage III of puberty.

When do the testes and the ovaries begin making active reproductive cells?

The testes and ovaries begin making active, mature reprductive cells during puberty.

Is it normal to be aroused by your aunt during puberty?

During Puberty it is normal to be aroused by nothing inparticular and anything ! Getting aroused is something you will begin to control as you get older. It can be embarrassing for a pubescent teenager though. Try not to let it show.

How do you get better erections before puberty?

Before puberty the penis doesn't grow very much at all, and there isn't anything you can do to change that. Your penis will begin to grow when you begin puberty.

Do you have sperm during puberty?

yes, you create sperm during puberty.

What are different health concern during puberty?

"Changes in girls during puberty can begin anywhere between 8 and 14 years of age. Boys' puberty begins after the girls, between 10 and 15 years of age."

What age does your body grow?

Your body starts to grow quicker during Puberty. This can begin from age 10 for girls and 12 for boys.

Which gland are responsible for odor and begin secreting at puberty?

Sweat glands are always working even when you are a child. but you sweat more during puberty and the sweat actually has no odor. It smells when it hits the bacteria on the skin.

When do girls breasts begin to grow?

Girls breast usually grow during Puberty. Female puberty can begin from age 8 to 15 or so but the average start age will be 10 - 11 years. They usually start developing breasts then but everyone grows at different rates.

Can you get breasts when you are 12?

yes it is possible only if your puberty hits u MORE Your breasts will begin to grow when you begin puberty . The hormones tell your body it is time. At 12 your probably will begin puberty at any time. So hang in there and you will soon be a woman.

At what stage of life does menstruation begin?
