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Abuse Reports are checked at various times daily.

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Q: When does the Vandal Patrol Program check all of the reported Questions?
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Related questions

Who was the first member of the Vandal Patrol Program?

The first member of the Vandal Patrol Program was An8thg, the Vandal Patrol Program Coordinator.

When did the Vandal Patrol Program start on WikiAnswers?

The Vandal Patrol Program as we know it today was officially announced on August 18, 2008.

What happens to questions that have been reported as abuse?

When a contributor clicks the red "Report Abuse" button, the question is then forwarded to the Vandal Patrol department. We then have a few of the Vandal Patrol members go through the email and sort out each question individually.

What is the minimum age to be a member of the Vandal Patrol program?

15To join the Vandal Patrol you must be a supervisor and a graduate of the Mentoring Program. The minimum age to become a supervisor is 15.

Who are the Senior Vandal Patrol Generalists in the Vandal Patrol?

The following Vandal Patrol members have Senior Vandal Patrol Generalist badges.An8thgBleepyBlueCyclone777Fish247GarethfxIncaBlueIreen22LazarusLeastduckLindyStarMg42 killerSkullcandy88TheprismgroupWildrosebeef

Are Vandal Patrols on WikiAnswers a type of Supervisor?

The Vandal Patrol is a program on the site that interested Supervisors can join.

Who came up with the idea of the Vandal Patrol Program?

That would An8thg, the program's coordinator.

How long does a supervisor have to wait in order to join The Vandal Patrol?

Really, waiting isn't really the answer to joining the Vandal Patrol Program. The answer is that you must be a supervisor in order to join so depending on how long you wait for the Supervisor position is basically how long you will have to wait for the Vandal Patrol Program Coordinator to contact you. For more information visit the Community Roles.

How much does the Vandal Patrol get paid?

The Vandal Patrol consists of volunteer Supervisors.

Can anybody help you to become a Vandal Patrol Generalist?

In order to become a member of the Vandal Patrol, you must first become a Supervisor on site. After becoming a Supervisor, you must graduate from the Mentoring Program. Once you have graduated from the Mentoring Program, you can become a member of any division within the Patrol.

What does it feel like to be on the Vandal Patrol?

The feeling of being on the vandal patrol cannot really be described in mere words alone. Being on the vandal patrol gives that scare to vandals as soon as they see a vandal patrol member's bio page. This scare gives an edge to vandal patrol members, and just the feeling of scaring a vandal into stop vandalizing WikiAnswers, so if there had to be one word, it would have to be awesome.

How can you get a Vandal Patrol badge?

All members of the Vandal Patrol are given a Vandal Patrol badge on their profile. Special additional badges are given to users who complete a milestone amount of tasks for their division.