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I'm assuming you mean 'where' in the body, as opposed to 'when'. In terms of when, it happens all the time!

The exchange of nutrients from food mainly happens in the intestine, though other nutrients can be absorbed elsewhere in the body sometimes. These enter your blood stream here and travel to the relevant area of your body using the circulation. Waste will enter your blood stream as well but be filtered out of your blood by your kidneys and is passed out of the body as urine.

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Q: When does the exchange of nutrients and waste materials?
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Capillary.capillariesCapillaries.Blood flow moves from arteries, to arterioles, to capillaries, to venules, to veins, to the heart, and then back to arteries. Capillaries are where the exchange of oxygen and other materials happens.Capillaries

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So they can have food oxygen and other things from the environment

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Capillaries. Since they are only once endothelial cell thick, they can exchange gas, nutrients, and waste across their membrane. Capillaries in the brain have endothelial cells close together to onyl allow a slecetive exchange of materials, while capillaries in the kidney or liver have gaps between the endothelial cells to allow the exchange of a lot of materials.

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Where does the exchange of oxygenfood nutrients and waste materials take place?

You don't specify which organism you are asking about, but I assume you mean in humans. These processes happen all over the body between the blood capillaries and the cells. If you mean exchange with the outside world, then oxygen is exchanged in the lungs, food nutrients in the small intestine, and nitrogenous waste in the kidneys. However, waste carbon dioxide is exchanged through the lungs and other wastes through the skin.

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Its all diffusion.

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