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When a neutral atom loses one or more electrons, the atom becomes a positive ion.

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Q: When does the formation of a positive ion occur?
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What is the difference between the formation of a positive ion and a negative ion?

positive ion forms when any electron removes from an atom and an anion called negative ion forms when an atom accepts an additional electron

In the formation of an ionic compound a metal atom is most likely to what?

In the formation of an ionic compound, a metal atom is most likely to lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This results in the formation of positively charged ions known as cations.

What happens when a sodium atoms loses an electron in its outer energy shell?

Formation of the cation (positive ion) Na+.

Describe the formation of both positive and negative ions?

Positive ions are formed when an atom loses one or more electrons, leading to a net positive charge. Negative ions are formed when an atom gains one or more electrons, resulting in a net negative charge. These processes occur through interactions between atoms, such as electron transfer or sharing.

What is it called when atom has a positive or negative charge?

When an atom has a positive or negative charge, it is called an ion. A positively charged ion is called a cation, while a negatively charged ion is called an anion. Ion formation occurs when an atom gains or loses electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What is positive ion and negative ion in NACl?

Na is positive ion,Cl is negative ion

What has a positive ion?

A proton has a positive electric charge.

Why ammonia react with hydrogen ion will form a positive compound?

When ammonia (NH3) reacts with a hydrogen ion (H+), it forms ammonium ion (NH4+). The addition of the hydrogen ion to ammonia results in the formation of a positive compound because the ammonium ion has one more proton than ammonia, giving it a positive charge.

Is the charge of a zinc ion positive or negative?

Zinc ion (cation) is positive.

What is the suffix for formation?


An ion with a positive charge is called?

A positive ion, which is the same thing as "an ion with a positive charge", is called a "cation".

How would you compare the formation of positive ions with the formation of negative ions in terms of energy changes?

The formation of positive ions typically requires energy input in the form of ionization energy to remove electrons, whereas the formation of negative ions releases energy in the form of electron affinity when electrons are added. Positive ions have higher potential energy compared to their neutral atoms, whereas negative ions have lower potential energy. Overall, the energy changes involved in forming positive and negative ions are opposite in nature.