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The process where an element turns to another is radioactive decay, and exposure to radioactivity is dangerous.

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Q: When elements are formed by another element why is it dangerous?
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Compounds are formed from chemical elements.

Is soda pop an element?

no, but it is formed from elements. every element discovered is on the periodic table

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What is the likeness between an element and compound?

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Does a element forms a new compound?

Yes, all compounds are formed from chemical elements.

Can a element be broken down into compounds?

You misunderstand!!!! a compound is broken down into its elemental atoms.

The new substance formed when elements combine chemically n?

When elements combine chemically compounds are formed. For instance, when hydrogen and oxygen gases chemically combine, water is formed. Note that if a molecule is made up of only one element, it is referred to as an element, not a compound.

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An element is a pure substance, two elements combine to form a compound.

All compounds are formed of what?

all compounds are formed of one or more elements..