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Free radicals

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3y ago
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jesus cortes

Lvl 1
3y ago
That is right 
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3d ago

These reactive molecules are called free radicals. They are highly reactive species that can cause damage to cells and accelerate food spoilage. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and prevent their harmful effects.

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Lvl 1
3y ago

i would believe its oxygen molecules

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jesus cortes

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Q: When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons. This loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil. what are these reactive molecules called?
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When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons. This loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil. What are these reactive mo?

These reactive molecules are known as free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and seek to stabilize themselves by stealing electrons from surrounding molecules, leading to chemical reactions that can degrade the quality of food. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and preserve the freshness of food by inhibiting these destructive processes.

When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons this loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the foods causing it to spoil what are these reactive?

apex- free radicals

How do covalent bonds become unstable?

Covalent bonds can become unstable when the atoms involved have different electronegativities, causing an unequal sharing of electrons. This can lead to the formation of partial charges within the molecules, making them more reactive. Additionally, external factors such as high temperatures or exposure to other reactive molecules can also break covalent bonds and make them unstable.

What causes a shape of an object to change without causing a chemical change?

A change in shape of an object without causing a chemical change is usually due to physical forces like bending, stretching, or compressing. These forces modify the arrangement of the atoms or molecules in the object without altering their chemical composition.

What are mild oxidizing agents?

Mild oxidizing agents are substances that can accept electrons from other molecules, causing them to be oxidized. Examples include hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and potassium permanganate. These agents are less reactive and less likely to cause vigorous reactions compared to strong oxidizing agents like nitric acid or chlorine.

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When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons this loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the foods causing it to spoil what are these reactive?

apex- free radicals

When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons. This loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil. What are these reactive mo?

These reactive molecules are known as free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and seek to stabilize themselves by stealing electrons from surrounding molecules, leading to chemical reactions that can degrade the quality of food. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals and preserve the freshness of food by inhibiting these destructive processes.

When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons this loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy the chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil what are these molecules cal?

Free radicals

When food is exposed to air it can lose electrons. This loss of electrons creates reactive molecules that work to destroy chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil. What are these molecules calle?

You think probable to oxidants

What vitamin e does to your body?

It is an antioxidant mainly for fats in cell membranes. It donates it reactive molecules to a free radicals so it doesn't reactive with your body's structure causing a change.

What are the similarities between alkali metals and halogens?

What causes these to be so reactive is the amount of electrons in the outer most level. Each level after the first (which has 2 if full) if filled will have 8 electrons. Halogens have less than that causing it to be reactive to other elements. (i don't know how many electrons it has in the outer level) The reason why it is reactive is (depending on how many electrons it has in the outer leve) because it is either trying to gain or lose those extra electrons. What causes these to be so reactive is the amount of electrons in the outer most level. Each level after the first (which has 2 if full) if filled will have 8 electrons. Halogens have less than that causing it to be reactive to other elements. (i don't know how many electrons it has in the outer level) The reason why it is reactive is (depending on how many electrons it has in the outer leve) because it is either trying to gain or lose those extra electrons.

What is the pollutant believed to be causing damage to the ozone layer?

The pollutant that is beleived to be causing damage is CFC. It is a synthetic chemical that might lead to ozone depletion.

Process of ozone destruction on a chemical basis?

Ozone destruction is primarily caused by chlorine and bromine atoms present in man-made chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons. When these chemicals are released into the atmosphere, they break down due to UV radiation, releasing these atoms. The chlorine and bromine atoms then catalytically destroy ozone molecules in the stratosphere, leading to the depletion of the ozone layer.

Why is magnesium most reactive if it reacts with hydrochloric acid among lead copper silver zinc iron?

Magnesium is more reactive than lead, copper, silver, zinc, and iron because it has a higher tendency to lose electrons and form magnesium ions. When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid, it displaces hydrogen from the acid to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. This reaction is more vigorous compared to the reactions of the other metals mentioned.

Food can spoil through mere exposure to air because it will lose electrons. This loss of electrons creates free radicals which destroy chemical bonds in the food causing it to spoil. What is this proc?

The process you are referring to is called oxidation. Oxygen in the air can react with compounds in the food, leading to the formation of free radicals that promote spoilage by breaking down the chemical structure of the food. This process can result in changes in taste, color, texture, and nutritional quality of the food.

How ionisation occurs in gas molecules?

Ionization occurs in gas molecules, either by heating the gas to a high enough temperature, or by applying a high enough voltage through the gas, so that the gas molecules lose electrons, causing the gas to be ionized, at which point it is a plasma.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are unstable molecules that contain unpaired electrons, making them highly reactive. They can cause damage to cells, tissues, and DNA through a process called oxidative stress. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce their harmful effects.