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Q: When granite is subjected to high amounts of heat and pressure to change it but not melt it granite changes into?
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When granite is subjected to high enough amounts of heat and pressure to change it but not melt it granite changes into what type of rock?

It would become metamorphic rock.

What rock comes after granite Is subjected to enough heat and pressure in the rock cycle?

When granite is subjected to enough heat and pressure, it becomes a metamorphic rock called gneiss.

What happens to granite when it is subjected to high heat and pressure?

It metamorphoses into gneiss

If granite were subjected to intense heat and pressure it would likely change to?


How can granite change into metamorphic without changing into sedimentary?

Granite becomes metamorphic by being subjected to immense heat and pressure, turning into gneiss.

What type of rock forms as heat and or pressure causes changes?


If granite were subjected to intense heat and pressure it would most likely change to?

If enough heat and pressure is applied (40000 to 60000 times atmospheric pressure and 900 to 1300 degrees Celsius), granite or any other allotrope of carbon can be turned into diamond.

What type of rock would be formed if granite is subjected to high temperature and high pressure deep with in earth but do not melt?

First gneis and then granulite

What happens to a old rusty piece of granite?

It gets weathered into sediment or it could be subjected to heat and pressure and become a metamorphic rock, or it could melt into magma and cool into an igneous rock.

Does granite contain gold?

Yes, granite can contain small amounts of gold

Granite changes to?

Granite will be changed to gneiss after a metamorphic event.

Which type of change takes place when granite turns into gneiss?

Granite does not turn into limestone. Granite is an igneous rock originating from volcanic activity. Limestone is a sedimentary rock laid down in the oceans millions of years ago. Limestone does turn into marble when subjected to huge pressures and heat. It is found areas with a lot of seismic activity like Itlay and Turkey.