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It is possible for a woman to get pregnant during her period if she is not using a form of protection.

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16y ago
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13y ago

well if you first have your period then you have sex then yes

but you can also try a pregnancy test just to make sure

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12y ago

Yes but it is a less chance than usual.

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14y ago

yes of course you can!

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Q: When having sexual intercoures with your period can you still get pregnant?
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If you get you period after having sexual realtion can you be pregnant?

Probably not.

Can a girl get pregnant not having her period in two months?

A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).

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Aids and Herpes

When do you start getting synthoms if im pregnant?

If you are pregnant, missing a period after having sexual intercorse shows signs of being pregnant.

Can you get pergant while on your period?

Yes when having sexual intercourse you can still get pregnant so be careful

Can a gal become pregnant during her period?

You bet she can. The girl can get pregnant: * anytime before her period * anytime during her period * anytime after her period * anytime ... PERIOD This has been proven time and time again within the medical community at large. It's quite simple about having sex ... and logical: Having Sexual Intercourse = Pregnancy.

I didn't use protection on the first day of my period and my flow is always very light. Can you still get pregnant on day 1 of your period even if your flow is usually very light anyway?

No you can not get pregnant from having sexual intercourse during a normal period.

How does ladies get pregnant?

By having sexual intercourse with a man.

in the event that sexual intercoures occur without contraception how might pregnancy be prevent apex?

moural sex activity

Is it possible to be pregnant having safe intercourse and period coming last on 14 th february i had sexual intercourse after my period and my period is three days late?

It depends on what you mean by "safe intercourse." In using any method of birth control there is always a potential of getting pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective except for not having sex. So, yes, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.

Do you have to of started your period to get pregnant?

No. There is a period of time before menstruation begins when sexual activity can stimulate the release of an egg (in effect, starting the menstrual cycle). If you are having sex, you should always use a condom, regardless of your age or stage of sexual development.

What will happen if a girl was 10 years old and she had her period and she tried to kiss a10 year old boy would she get pregnict?

I believe that last word is supposed to be 'pregnant' - a women cannot get pregnant without either sexual activity such as sexual intercourse, or having had IVF. Kissing a boy cannot get you pregnant, whether you're on your period or not, that's not how pregnancy occurs.