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Q: When homologous chromosomes come together during meiosis is called what?
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What stage in meiosis do homologous chromosomes come together?

During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes come together during prophase I. Pairs of homologous chromosomes align during a process called synapsis and form a tetrad (four sister chromatids, two from each pair of homologous chromosomes). During synapsis, crossing over may occur, during which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material.

What are Homologous chromosomes that occurs in meiosis but not mitosis is called?


The pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called what?


Is homologous chromosomes only present in cells that undergo meiosis?

Usually they dont as homologous chromosomes form bivalents with other homologous chromosomes and crossing over occurs between the 2. But if a chiasmata does form between the t homologous chromosomes they can change information.

When homologous chromosomes swap pieces during meiosis this is called?

crossing over.

What is the separation of homologous pairs of double chromosomes during meiosis?

the stage is called the "first division"

The process where replicated homologous chromosomes are linked to form tetrads is called?

Meiosis Stage II.

What is it called when homologous chromosomes trade alleles?

Crossing-over is when segments of homologous chromosomes switch places. This process occurs during prophase I of meiosis and results in recombinant chromosomes. This adds to the variation seen in offspring.

What is the pairing of homologous chromosomes called?

The pairing of homologous chromosomes during prophase 1 is called crossing over. The chromosomes make a copy of themselves. The 4 cells can now twist together and exchange pieces.

What are the matching pairs of chromosomes in the diploid cell called?

They are called homologous chromosomes (but can also be referred to as homologues or homologs).

What best describes chromosomes that contain genes for the same characteristics?

Chromosomes that have the same sequence of genes are called homologous chromosomes.