

Best Answer

There can be virus - scan your PC with all your antiviruses. Some files are corrupted - use sustem file recovery or yoiu can use special utility Windows Cannot Find Fix Wizard. See related link to figure it out.

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Q: When i try to run regedit.exe in run there is message that windows can't find regeditexe file?
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What is the name of the protocol that windows network rely on for their file sharing?

The Windows file sharing protocol is the Server Message Block or SMB. It was developed by Barry Feigenbaum at IBM.

When i open Xp then it says Windows Script Host can not find script file CDocuments and SettingUSERboot.vbs.?

Assuming the message states,"Windows Script Host cannot find the script file C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\boot.vbs", where <Username> is your user account name. Sounds like a crippled virus or worm. The computer thinks it is supposted to start the script upon Windows startup, but the file is missing. There is no such file included with Windows by default.

Create a profile share in windows xp?

yes because you created a new file but it depends on the file though.

What is wrapperexe?

Wrapper.exe is a executable file within Windows, although the file is not needed for Windows to operate properly. Typically there is no description of the file and is not visible while running. The file can belong to and be imported by a number of different software manufacturers and should cause relatively few problems. However, there have been many different viruses using the same named file reported.

What does SFC.exe mean?

SFC.exe is the windows system file checker. It checks system files for corruption or unwanted changes. If sfc discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it retrieves the correct version of the file from the %systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder, and then replaces the incorrect file. If %systemroot%\system32\dllcache folder is corrupted, you need to have the windows installation CD to replace damaged files. %systemroot% is usually C:\WINDOWS.

Related questions

What is the name of the protocol that windows network rely on for their file sharing?

The Windows file sharing protocol is the Server Message Block or SMB. It was developed by Barry Feigenbaum at IBM.

Windows cannot access the specified device path file?

When you get a message that says, 'Windows cannot access the specified device path file,' this means that an error has occurred which has corrupted the file and made it inaccessible.

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Why does my window media player say cant connect to file because it can't support that codec . use other players..

When i tried to run any file in windows xp it is showing an error message that it is unable to locate particular file?

sounds like a virus or a worm in your system

Is it more important to back up Windows system files or date files?

windows file is not important but system file is most important becoz we can install window many time but cant make data file .

When i open Xp then it says Windows Script Host can not find script file CDocuments and SettingUSERboot.vbs.?

Assuming the message states,"Windows Script Host cannot find the script file C:\Documents and Settings\<Username>\boot.vbs", where <Username> is your user account name. Sounds like a crippled virus or worm. The computer thinks it is supposted to start the script upon Windows startup, but the file is missing. There is no such file included with Windows by default.

You cant get avi files to play in Sony Vegas 9 you are using Windows 7 what do you do?

what you need to do is the .avi file in windows movie maker the windows button in the top right corner and click recommend for this project it in that tab 4.the file will be saved as a .wmv file 5. sony vegas will now accept the file!

What causes a windows vista message that ofps exe file has stopped working and was closed?

That is a Vista problem. Check software author wabsite.

What protocol is used by Windows clients for accessing shared resources in Windows Server 2008?

The Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol is a network file sharing protocol, and as implemented in Microsoft Windows is known as Microsoft SMB Protocol.

Why cant you play htm files on windows media player?

An HTML file is for web browsers only. It is not a media file at all. But you can have HTML files load media and have them play it in your browser.

How do you explain what Windows file resource does?

Explain what windows file resources does

What type of file is a Windows Movie Maker file?

A Windows Movie Maker project file is in .MSWMMformat.