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Q: When in lilliput how did gulliver tell that he was hungry and how was he feel?
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How can you tell if your hungry or not?

I am hungry

Can you feel hungry and nauseous at the same time?

Yes, indeed you can. It happens to me a couple times a week for no discernible reason. Sometimes I can tell I should be hungry but instead I feel a burning nausea. I force myself to eat, usually something fatty/salty like Taco Bell, then I feel better.

Who was a man who lived with little people then giants?

'Gulliver's Travels' tell the story of Lemuel Gulliver, written by Jonathan Swift and published in 1726.

How did little people restrain gulliver?

In "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift, the Lilliputians tie down Gulliver while he is asleep to prevent him from escaping. They use hundreds of tiny ropes and stake him to the ground to immobilize him. Despite his immense size compared to the Lilliputians, their sheer number and resourcefulness allow them to successfully restrain him.

How can you tell piranh as are hungry?

stick your hand into the piranah's house if it dissapears... they're hungry

Do lions eat 14 year olds?

Yes but only when they are hungry and you never can tell if they are hungry or not.

You are not eating and at lunch your friends keep asking why you are not eating what do you tell them?

I'm not hungry; I don't feel well; I already ate -- You could also try the truth on why you aren't eating.

What hint suggests that perhaps gulliver's does not always tell the truth?

One hint that suggests Gulliver may not always tell the truth is the fantastical nature of his adventures and encounters. Some of the events described in the story are exaggerated or impossible, leading readers to question the reliability of Gulliver's narration. Additionally, his ability to conveniently navigate and survive in these extraordinary circumstances may raise doubts about the veracity of his accounts.

How do you tell if your anoles hungry?

they will probably be brown. how do i know well in school had a anole and we studied and studied about them and we found out that if its brown its hungry.

Why does the farmer agree to sell Gulliver to the queen?

The farmer agrees to sell Gulliver to the queen because he sees an opportunity to make a large sum of money by selling him as a curiosity to the royal court. The farmer is motivated by profit and doesn't see Gulliver as a person deserving compassion or autonomy.

How do you tell someone you're hungry in French?

J'ai soif means "I'm thirsty."J'ai faim means "I'm hungry."

What if your swallowing function stops does the brain still tell you your hungry?

Yes, it does.