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Yes Iron ( Fe has the liability to rust when in contact in water, the reaction erupts the iron to rust.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Can and does. Rust is the combining of iron (Fe) and oxygen. Water speeds the process, but isn't required.

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9y ago

Yes, iron will rust in the desert but at a slower rate than it would in more humid areas.

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Rusting of iron needs the presence of water.

Iron is most likely to rust when it is wet or dry?

Rusting is accelerated in wet environments.

Can graphite rackets rust?

No they will not get rust they are not iron to get rust. only iron get rust.

Does forged iron rust?

Wrought iron will like most irons rust unless it is properly maintained for, by this i mean keep a fresh coat of paint on it, preferrably a "Rustoleum" type and every few years wire brush any rust spots and repaint the entire surface on a nice dry day to keep it rust free.

What is formed when iron combines with oxygen in the air?

Iron reacting with oxygen produces rust, Fe2O3 (Iron (III) oxide) or FeO2 (Iron (II) oxide) depending on the composition of the iron.

Why iron does not rust?

Iron does rust by reacting with oxygen.

What type of liquid does metal rust the fastest in?

Water with oxygen (air). However, only one metal 'rusts' . It is IRON and forms iron oxide (rust). Other metals do NOT rust. They form 'oxides.

Do only iron compounds rust?

Iron compounds do not rust. Iron and its alloys can rust. Although other metals can corrode it is usually only called rust when it is iron that is corroding.

Which liquids rust faster?

Liquids do not rust, iron does, rust is Hydrated Iron (III) oxide, so the only substance which can rust iron is water

What does rust and iron form?

Rust is an iron oxide, Fe2O3.

How is rust produced?

Rust is iron oxide. So when iron oxidizes you get rust. So iron and steel (iron and carbon) are prone to this happening while metal like aluminum well not rust.

Is rust a mineral?

Rust occurs when iron and oxygen meet and the oxygen causes the iron to decay. Yes in a way, rust is the corroded metal iron.