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They say 2012 is suppose the year when all that happens but we will have to wait an see !

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Q: When is California going to sink in the ocean?
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Will california sink into the ocean?

California is not going to sink into the ocean. The faults in California are strike-slip faults where they move laterally.

Where would continental drift be in the US?

they say that California is going to float off to sea or going to sink into the ocean

Is California going to sink?


When is California going to sink?

march 18 at night

Is Calirornia really going to sink to the ocean in 2012?

yupp. Helen G white said that California will sink. she is one of GODs people and everythin she saw in her visions will happen

What ocean do you going swimming in California?

The Pacific Ocean

Which ocean can you send me and if you live in California?

I'm not going to send you any ocean; I can't afford the postage.The California coast borders the Pacific ocean, if that's what you were trying to ask.

Is Cuba going to sink?

No, Cuba is not going to sink.

Why ocean liners do not sink to the bottom of the ocean?

Acually, the do.

Sink to the deep ocean?

don't sink bring a lifejacket and you won't

What causes a ships iron anchor to sink to the ocean?

Gravity causes the ships iron anchor to sink to the ocean.

Did the Titanic sink to the bottom of the ocean?

Yes, the Titanic did sink after hitting an iceberg.