

When is Propaganda used?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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11y ago

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Whenever one side needs to convince another side of an opinion or viewpoint by using elements other than facts. Essentially, all the time. Examples are using the stars and stripes, making HUGE promises, saying what we need to do but never claiming to do it, getting celebrities to talk for you, etc. Nazi Germany is good to look at for propaganda, as well as the United States, especially presidential campaigns. No offense, but Obama used a ton of propaganda in 2008.

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1mo ago

Propaganda is often used in political campaigns, advertising, and public relations to influence people's beliefs and behaviors. It is commonly seen in times of war, elections, and conflicts to sway public opinion in favor of a particular ideology or agenda.

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No propaganda technique is used in your question, since you did not give the sentence that you're asking about.

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Propaganda is designed to break the will of the enemy and raise the will of the side promoting the propaganda.

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Propaganda for advertising is used to promote products or services to consumers, often by exaggerating their benefits. On the other hand, propaganda for political leveraging is used to manipulate public opinion or promote a specific agenda by distorting or manipulating information to sway political outcomes. While both types of propaganda aim to influence people, they serve different purposes and target different audiences.

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Propaganda: Information or ideas methodically spread to promote or injure a cause...(Dictionary) Information is propaganda-how it's used is the question.

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Wartime propaganda is used both militarily and politically. It is used as a way to undermine the enemy, while gaining support for the cause. Propaganda is used to elicit action from the populous to further a goal by playing heavily on emotions.

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Flag-waving is the Propaganda technique used in this example.

What part of speech is propaganda?

Propaganda can function as a noun. It refers to information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular viewpoint or cause.