

When is a bacterium defined as dead?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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when is bacterium defined as dead

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Q: When is a bacterium defined as dead?
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The answer is Transformation

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No bacterium is a decomposer. (a decomposer eats the remaining parts of a dead animal)

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Gram-positive bacterium, live on dead and decaying matter

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an organism that feeds on dead organic matter especially a fungus or bacterium

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Bacteria are prokaryotes, lacking defined nuclei and membrane-bound organelles, and with chromosomes composed of 1 closed DNA circle

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Haloarcula marismourtui (which means , roughly , salt - loving boxlike bacterium that lives in the Dead Sea) has unique proteins that protect it from the depredations of salt.

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Dead rats and fleas were the main cause. Yersinia pestis bacterium was the cause for it.

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E coli is dead. she died 15 years ago

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To the best of our knowledge, there is at the present time, no life on the moon. Not even a bacterium. It's a totally dead satellite.

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One of the ways of fighting it is by ANTIBODIES! These are made up of white blood cells. When the antibodies come into contact with the bacterium, they will either burst them or consume them. When the bacteria gets burst, the fluids come out and then the bacterium is dead.

Is bacterium plural?

bacteria is, unless you were to use the word "The" in front (the bacteria are) Answer The bacterium is ...., the bacteria are..... Bacteria is the plural form, bacterium is the singluar.