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The laparoscopic procedure would not be preferred in cases where the gallbladder is so inflamed that it could rupture, or when adhesions (additional fibrous bands of tissue) are present.

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Q: When is a cholecystectomy not done laparoscopically?
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Why is a cholecystectomy performed laparoscopically?

Although the laparoscopic procedure requires general anesthesia for about the same length of time as the open procedure, laparoscopy generally produces less postoperative pain, and a shorter recovery period

When a gallbladder is taking out is it dangerous?

Removal of the gall bladder (Cholecystectomy) is quite a simple operation and now is usually carried out Laparoscopically. However, every operation does have some risks.

How long after laparascopic cholecystectomy surgery do you have to keep the wounds dry?

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a surgery done to remove the gall bladder. The stitches need to remain dry until your two week follow-up appointment.

What does a Cholecystectomy treat?

A cholecystectomy is performed to treat cholelithiasis and cholecystitis

What laparoscopic cholecystectomy?

a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal),

What is considered a successful cholecystectomy?

The prognosis for cholecystitis and cholelithaisis patients who receive cholecystectomy is generally good. Overall, cholecystectomy relieves symptoms in about 95% of cases.

What is the lay term for cholecystectomy?

The lay term for cholecystectomy would be 'the removal of the gall bladder'.

Is diabetes mellitus a complication of cholecystectomy?

Your question is a good one, but there seems to be not enough research done in that area to answer definitively if cholecystectomies have the unfortunate side effect of increasing the risk of diabetes. There are several studies that report a CONNECTION between gall bladder disease and diabetes (that if you have one you are more likely to have the other) but that more often points to an underlying cause that contributes to both problems more than the fact that a cholecystectomy may put you at risk for diabetes. If anything the risk to worry about after a cholecystectomy is pancreatic cancer as research has been done on that and there is a know increased risk of pancreatic cancer associated with cholecystectomy.

How much down time after tubaligation?

Today, most tubal ligation is done laparoscopically. Recovery is quite rapid with normal activities after about 10 days or two weeks.

What are causes for immediate cholecystectomy?

Patients who have evidence of gallbladder perforation or gangrene need to have an immediate cholecystectomy.

Is cholecystectomy a risky surgery?

No. It is a fairly straightforward procedure. The risks of a cholecystectomy are essentially the risks of anesthesia.

What is the purpose of cholecystectomy?

A cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.