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19 days after unprotecetd sex a HPT would be able to detect HCG in your urine . All the best!

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Q: When is a good time to take a HPT if you had unproctected sex on Feb 2 and have irregular cycles?
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About how many women experience irregular cycles?

Tons of women have irregular cycles, although irregular menstruation is mostly seen in teenagers. Some women just naturally have irregular cycles, though, which is why these woman choose to take birth control pills.

Which medicine to take if you are not getting your periods on regular intervals?

Which medication you would take would depend on why your menstrual cycles are irregular. There are many possible reasons for irregular cycles, your doctor should run tests to determine the cause then discuss treatment options with you.

7 days after unproctected sex can you take a pregnancy test?

no it takes two weeks for it to show on pregnancy test

How do you make your periods regular if they are not?

Irregular cycles are normal if you're in your teens because it takes time for your body to mature to a point where it will ovulate regularly and hormonal irregularity is normal - outside of your teens if your cycles are irregular it's best to see your doctor to check that everything is okay. You can help regulate your cycles by keeping yourself healthy with a good balanced diet, daily multi-vitamins, sleep, exercise, and avoid stress. Take a daily herbal treatment like chaste tree or evening primrose oil, also try lunaception to regulate ovulation, thus your cycles.

Can an overdose of contraceptives stop your menstrual cycle for 2 months?

Yes, hormonal contraception stops your menstrual cycles - even if you stop use it will still take time for your cycles to regulate again. It's normal for cycles to be irregular for up to 12 months after you stop hormonal contraception.

What does it mean when your period jumps around?

It means that you have an irregular cycle. In order to hve a regular period you have to have a regular menstrual cycle, for you to ovulate on a regular basis, if you're young this can take time to happen as it takes your body time to mature to a point where it will ovulate regularly. If you have poor health or are not a healthy weight this can effect ovulation too, thus can cause irregular cycles. If concerned talk to your doctor to figure out why your cycles are irregular and look into treatment.

Your period is four days late could you be pregnant?

You could be, but you don't have to be. Sometimes women can become irregular with their menstrual cycles. Do a pregnancy test or take a visit to your doctor just to be sure.

What happens when a girl doesnt bleed on her period?

Menstruation, AKA a period, is when the uterine lining breaks down - if there is no bleeding then she is not experiencing menstruation. A woman can miss her period for a number of reasons, such as stress or ill health, if a woman is in her teens irregular hormones can cause irregular cycles too. If this is a one off it's nothing to worry about, but if you miss three cycles or more than it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. If sexually active this may also mean pregnancy, so take a test.

My cycle is very irregular since coming off the pill 5 months ago This month my cycle was 32 days Does this mean that my cycle is starting to regulate?

One cycle of 32 days does not equate to a regular cycle - regular menstrual cycles mean cycles that all follow the same pattern, regular cycles of 32 days or within a week of 32 days for example. It's normal to go up to twelve months without a regular menstrual cycle when coming off the pill so it does take time. If your cycles are still very irregular talk to your doctor about being checked out.

If you take a pregnancy test when you are a week late but your cycles are always irregular and the test is negative but you are now 2 and a half weeks late should you retest would the test come back?

If you are getting other pregnancy symptoms, yes, take another test.

How long does it take for the lining of the uterus to shed?

If you're referring to menstruation, then the average menstrual bleed will last between 5-7 days. Everyone is different and sometimes menstruation can last longer than this, especially if you have irregular cycles.

Is Taken a regular or irregular verb?

irregular If it were regular, it would be take, taked, taked instead of take, took, taken.