

When is a nonpolar bond formed?

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12y ago

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A perfectly nonpolar bond is formed by two atoms with identical nuclei, and an at least moderately nonpolar bond is formed between two different atoms with very small differences in their electronegativity values.

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Q: When is a nonpolar bond formed?
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It can be either a polar covalent bond or a nonpolar covalent bond. C-Cl is an example of a polar covalent bond, while C-C is a good example of a nonpolar covalent bond.

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No. A polar bond is formed when electrons are shared unevenly. A nonpolar bond indicates even sharing of electrons.

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Covalent. Nonpolar covalent. Nitrogen and chlorine have very similar electronegativities. Therefore the electron will be shared equally between them and the bond will be nonpolar covalent. The larger the difference between the electronegativities the more polar the bond.

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