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Q: When is assasinscreed2 coming out in video games?
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Will there be more video games?

There is always more video games coming out. What specific type of video games are you talking about though? thebomb2 says:..................................................-_-.........

What xbox video games are coming out this year?

Many xbox video games are coming out this year including a lot of sporting games, fighting games, as well as more games to play with kinect so there is more physical activity going on while playing.

Will video game CDs last forever?

CDs video games will not last forever, due to the fact that their is always new games coming out.

When is kngdomhearts3 coming out?

when you start getting a life that's not video games

What video games are coming out in 2010?

DSI XL a larger DSI

What is e3 in terms of video games?

E3 is an annual gaming convention that shows new games coming out.

How muc h are PS3 video games?

no one really knows because they are still coming out with new games.

What date is WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 video game coming in September?

the day you stop playing video games

When is avatar the video game coming out?

Avatar is already out and has been out since fall. The video games usually come out before the movies.

Are adults 18 and over too old for video games?

No. because they're might be R18+ games coming out soon

Is there going to be more NCAA baseball video games?

Odds are no. Because they have lost popularity, MLB games are coming out, and college baseball has lost popularity .

What is the importance of the English language in playing video games?

A lot of the most popular video games are made over seas, but the US has one of the largest video game markets (more kids play video games here). When earlier video games were coming out, a lot of the dialogue didn't make sense because it had been so poorly translated to English. That's where the famous video game line "all your base belong to us" comes from. google it.