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Q: When is foreshadowing used in the movie Snow White?
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What is sneezy's role in Snow White?

sneezy was dwarf in the movie snow white he is a dwarf that always used to sneeze that is why his name is sneezy :)

How can the word snow be used in a sentence?

Snow is white.

What are the Foreshadowing or flashbacks in White Fang?

In "White Fang" by Jack London, foreshadowing occurs when White Fang is born into a harsh environment, hinting at the challenges he will face throughout his life. Flashbacks are used to provide insight into White Fang's past experiences, such as his time with his mother Kiche and his interactions with humans, helping readers understand his development and behavior.

How is the magic mirror used in Snow White?

In snow white, the witch queen asks the mirror if she is the fairest in the land.

What is the name of the wicked queen in Snow White?

Grimhilde, according to the script. Her name is never used during the film. She was nameless in the fairy tale the movie is based on.

How is protagonist used in a sentence?

The main protagonist of the fairytale Snow Whiteis Snow White herself.

What are some literary devices used in the movie up?

Some literary devices used in the movie "Up" include flashback, symbolism, and foreshadowing. Flashbacks are used to reveal the backstory of the main character, symbolism is seen in the floating house representing freedom and adventure, and foreshadowing is used to hint at future events, like the discovery of the final page of the adventure book.

What movie was time love and tenderness used in?

Snow Dogs

How many tons of magnesia was used to produce snow in movie Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor?

For Movie Mummy Tomb of the Dragon was used 160 tons of magnesia to produce snow.

How did the author of Charlotte's Web use foreshadowing?

The author of Charlotte's Web, E.B. White, used foreshadowing by dropping hints throughout the story that allude to Charlotte's fate and the ultimate message of the novel. For example, early references to Wilbur's mortality and Charlotte's web-spinning abilities subtly prepare readers for the bittersweet conclusion. By foreshadowing these moments, White creates a sense of anticipation and emotional resonance in the story.

Did the witch use a mirror?

yes the witch used a mirror she used it to see where snow white was

Which rock is used to make akshardham temple?

thassos snow white marble