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That's the moon.

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Q: When is gravity on this is one sixth of what is on earth it takes 28 days to go round the earth?
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What is gravity on this is one sixth of what it is on earth It takes 28 days to round the earth?

the moon

What is gravity on this is one sixth of what it is on earth. It takes 28 days to go round the earth?

That's a description of Earth's Moon.

Exactly how long does it take for the moon to go round earth?

It takes 28 days for the moon to travel round the earth.

Is there a difference between upthrust on the moon and the earth?

It will be affected by gravity. Gravity is stronger on Earth, so it takes more energy or thrust to raise something like a rocket.

How long does it take the earth to get round the sun?

it takes 1 year

How long did it take to walk round earth?

it takes 5 seconds

What is the time taken by venus to complete an orbit round the sun?

It takes 224.7 earth days to travel around the sun

Does the moon spin on its axis faster than the earth?

No. It's much slower. The Earth takes a day to spin round. The Moon takes a month.

How long does the earth take to spin round its axis?

It takes 1 day.

Which planet takes 248.5 earth years to go round the sun?


What is some important things about earth?

the earth is the only planet which has water. earth revolves round the sun earth rotates on its fixed axis it takes 24 hours to complete one rotation it takes 365 1/4 days to complete one revolution the earth is our home it is round like an orange

What planet take 28 days to round the earth?

No planet, but the Moon takes that time to orbit the Earth.