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No idea what you're trying to say here, as colostrum is only produced immediately after calving and is no longer being produced 48 to 72 hours after parturition.

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Q: When is milk colustrum free after calving?
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Does a 18 year old pregnant woman can have a milk in her breast when she is pregnant?

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Why is milk not used when it is taken from the cow after calving?

The first milk that comes from a cow right after calving is not suitable for human consumption. It's gathered from the cow and saved for the calves that have been taken from their moms and fed to them via the bottle. The first milk is called colostrum, which is important for a newborn calf's health and survival.

What is the significance of the calving period for milk production?

Calving is year-round in the dairy industry, unlike in the beef industry. So the only significance is that you can time several group of cows to calve at different times of the year so that you have a constant supply of milk going to the factories.

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The udder will only swell, the cow is dropping her milk into the milk cisterns in the udder for the calf to suckle.

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The floating mass of ice is known as an ice burg, the process of breaking free from the main glacier is called calving.

What is the name for gestation of cattle?

Birthing, or calving.

You are 2 and a half months and you had your nipple pierced before but you took it out 2 years ago there is still a tiny hole and you noticed white stuff come out is it milk or pus?

It is pus. You dont start making colustrum (pre-milk) until the seventh month. See a doctor.

Are you about to go into labor if you are leaking breast milk at 7 months pregnant and just went through false labor?

Many women start leaking colustrum during pregnancy, which is normal and does not mean you are going into labor.

What is better a jersey cow or a holstein cow?

In terms of what, quantity of milk? Butterfat? Milking ability? Temperament? Calving ease? Please be more specific.

What milk is gluten free?

All white milk is gluten free! Nesquick chocolate milk and yoohoo's are gfree as well

What is freshening a cow?

A cow that is very close to calving or which calving is imminent.

The act of giving birth of cattle is called what?

Calving or parturition.