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Q: When is right time to take bitter kola before or after food?
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Do they eat bitter kola in Europe?

Garcinia kola (or bitter kola) is used as medicine in some African countries. Its influence doesn't really extend outside of Africa, and it's definitely not eaten as a food product.

Does bitter kola contain caffein?

yes bitter kola contains little caffeine which is not harmful to the body system rather it helps as an antibiotics.

Can ulcer patient use bitter kola?

can ulcer patient eat kola nut

Does bitter kola contain nicotin?

What are the properties of bitter kola?

Bitter kola is a plant that grows in forests in Africa and produces pod like nuts. It is used to help with colds, congestion, and other respiratory problems.

What are the benefits of bitter Kola in human beings?

Bitter kola contains antioxidants that help to boost the immune system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation in the body. It is also believed to have aphrodisiac properties and can help with respiratory issues like coughs and throat infections.

Does bitter kola has any benefit in sexual performance?


What is the effect of bitter kola on blood pressure blood sugar and cholesterol?

There are no noted health benefits of bitter kola nut for diabetics. The kola nut is known to be a stimulant similar to caffeine, stimulate gastrointestinal production, help soothe migraines by stimulating blood flow, and act as a bronchodilator for asthmatics.

Can ulcer patient use bitter?

can ulcer patient eat kola nut

What is the effect of bitter kola on human being?

They are no known negative side effect for eating bitter Kola even from clinic studies. but for kola nut, it's a different story. addictive(due to high caffeine content), yellowing of the teeth and too much consumption could lead to excessive weight loss.

Is bitter kola good for people with hypertension?

Bitter Kola has some hypertensive properties which means that if you take the Kola along with antihypertensive medications (blood pressure lowering), it could negate some of the effects. But as long as everything is done in moderation and in a consistent manner you should be fine, but you might want to consider checking your blood pressure more till you know how it affects you.

What is the Side effect of bitter kola on human being?

They are no known negative side effect for eating bitter Kola even from clinic studies. but for kola nut, it's a different story. addictive(due to high caffeine content), yellowing of the teeth and too much consumption could lead to excessive weight loss.