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These are the protocols for flying the flag at half mast.

On the death of the Sovereign - from the time of announcement of the death up to and including the funeral.

On the death of a member of a royal family.

On the death of the Governor-General or a former Governor-General.

On the death of a distinguished Australian citizen.

Flags in any locality may be flown at half-staff on the death of a notable local citizen or on the day, or part of the day, of their funeral.

On the death of the head of state of Another Country with which Australia has diplomatic relations on the day of the funeral.

On ANZAC day the flag is flown half-mast until noon.

On Remembrance Day flags are flown at peak till 10:30 am, at half-mast from 10:30am to 11:03am.

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Q: When is the Australian Flag flown at half-mast?
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What does it mean to fly a flag at half-mast?

The US flag is flown at halfmast as symbol of mourning.

What does it mean to fly a flag half mast?

The US flag is flown at halfmast as symbol of mourning.

What is a halfmast flag called?

A nation's flag may be flown half way up a flag pole as a symbol of respect, mourning, or distress.

What does a flag flown at half mast signify?

usually it means that someone important has passed away. bringing your flag halfmast show respect for the person .

When to flag fly flag halfmast?

When somebody has died.

What does it mean when the american flag is flown at half-mast?

Cos the Americans are to stupid to realise it goes up all the way.

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Australia's national flag was first flown on 3 September 1901. However, this was not the first flag to fly in Australia. The first flag flown on Australian soil was the British flag, when the First Fleet arrived on 26 January 1788.

When was the current Australian flag - as used in 2009 - designed?

1900, first flown on Federation 1901.

Why is the Australian Flag hung upside down outside Old Parliament House in Canberra?

When the flag is flown or placed upside down, this is a signal of distress. For this reason, it should not be flown in this position at any other time.

What must be done to a flag if its flown at night?

If a flag is flown at night, it must be illuminated by a light. This is to ensure that the flag remains visible and in compliance with proper flag etiquette.

Is Mississippi state flag is flown above the US flag?

NO. as approved by congress "NO STATE FLAG" shall be flown above the American Flag.

Why is a flag flown upside down and at half mast?

A flag flown upside down is an official signal of distress. A flag flown at half mast, is a mark of respect or mourning.