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all people are different. my ob said that you usually feel light flutters around 16-19 wks. then the kicking should begin 20-23 wks.

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With a first baby you might well mistake the first movements for gas bubbles or something. It doesn't become unmistakable until about month 5 or 6!

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Q: When is the earliest that you can feel the baby movement?
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Is it possible that I'm feeling movement already even though i am only 7 weeks pregnant?

It's conceivable...(yes, I know, bad pun)... ...but unlikely; most first time mums usually feel first movement around the 20th week. Before then, it's most likely a little tummy rumble.

Should you feel a baby move at 22 weeks?

oh yes you definitely can. at this point the babys movement should become more tense

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Yes, your baby is way too small to feel any movement.

What can you do not feel him at all?

If you are pregnant, but can not feel your baby boy at all, there may be reasons for that. It may be too early to feel movement, or the baby may be turned over, and he is not able to kick or punch you.

Is everybody different at feelin baby move at 15 weeks?

every pregnancy is different for everyone but if its your first baby you can usually feel faint movement by 18weeks,for subsequent pregnancies you can feel movement as early as 14 weeks.good luck.xxxxxxx

Can you feel your baby move at 19 weeks?

You should be able to feel your baby move between 16-20weeks. if this isn't your first pregnancy then you will be able to distinguish 'baby' movement even earlier

Why do we feel the movement?

I am 17 almost 18 weeks and I have just started feeling my baby move. It depends on your baby's development and how active they are.

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The earliest movement was SWAPO, the South West Africa's People's Organization.

Could you be pregnant if you feel movement like a baby movingits been 3 weeks since your last period?

You will not feel "baby" movement after just three weeks ... maybe three months. If you want to know if you are truly pregnant, go see your gynecologist.

You are 5 weeks and 4 days and when you wear your jean you feel like if the baby is moving?

At 5 weeks you can't feel fetal movement because it is too small (about 1/25 inch long). You won't feel movement 'til the 5th month or so when the baby is about 6 inches long.

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our baby was born at thirty two weeks with gastroschisis that is the earliest that we know of

Can the father feel the baby kick or move without touching your tummy?

Without touching you, no one (father of the baby included) can feel the baby moving. They might be able to see the movement (especially with particularly energetic babies) on the surface of your abdomen but they will not be able to feel it without touching.