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The only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated, suspicious look in his eye when he was saving the children in the church.

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Gussie Bechtelar

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after johnny kills the Soc

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Q: When is the only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated suspicious look in his eye?
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When is the only time ponyboy can remember seeing johnny without a defeated look in his eyes?

The only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated, suspicious look in his eye when he was saving the children in the church.

When does ponyboy say was the first time he saw johnny without the defeated look?

The only time Ponyboy can remember seeing Johnny without a defeated, suspicious look in his eye when he was saving the children in the church.

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Why do you want to know? Are you planning something top-secret?

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Booked it (ran away quickly) to Johnny, who had been laying in the lot. He then tells him that they should run away, and Johnny without questioning agrees.

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The Persians were defeated, as they were forced to withdraw from Greece without fully accomplishing their objectives.

When did Ponyboy says things will never be the same without Johnny?

Actually Two-Bit said that.

What should you do if you're suspicious of your husband?

If you have evidence or reason to be suspicious of something, then keep a close eye on him. It is hard to give a good answer unless I know what you are suspicious of. If you are just suspicious without evidence, then you need to trust him. Get counceling if you need to. I have seen 1 marraige fall apart simply because the husband never trusted the wife.

What is the definition of suspicious?

Inclined to suspect; given or prone to suspicion; apt to imagine without proof., Indicating suspicion, mistrust, or fear., Liable to suspicion; adapted to raise suspicion; giving reason to imagine ill; questionable; as, an author of suspicious innovations; suspicious circumstances.

Why does johnny tell pony stay gold?

You see, Dallas and Two-bit. They wanted to bust a joint. Ponyboy wasn't down with this, so he had sex with a lalmingo. jonhy tells pony to stay gold because he wants pony to fufill his life without having the title juvinile dilinquent.

Why did ponyboy think him and two bit couldn't get along without johhny?

He meant the gang couldn't get along without him. The whole gang needs each other.

In the book the outsiders what do ponyboy johny or dally do that is illegal?

smoking, carrying around arms without certificate, boarded train without ticket, gang fights

Why did ponyboy and two-bit think they couldn't get along without johnny?

He meant the gang couldn't get along without him. The whole gang needs each other.