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This is a new idea in some areas so it is best to talk to your doctor as to what they recommend. Basicaly.. there is a small chance that the metformin (and other diabetic medications) could crystalize in the kidneys causing damage. The policy where I work recommends not taking the medication for 48 hours after you get the dye injection. We dont have a hold for the medication before getting the dye.

If you are diabetic, ask your doctor if the medication you take has any restrictions when getting any kind of dye for a test. You may also ask the technologist doing your test, before the injection, what their policy is.

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Q: When is the use of the medication metformin with dye contrast cat scan to be discontinued and how long?
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How safe is Long term use of higer dose prednisone for rheumatoid arthritis?

It is not good for the system and should be discontinued if at all possible, however the alternatives may in a lot of instances be worse.

Can blood thinning medication damage the heart muscle if used for long periods of time?

Blood thinners can be bad to the heart muscles if use to long or to much. I would talk to the doctor and see what is best.

How long do you have to fast before a ct scan of the abdomen?

Depends on whether you sre haven contrast or not, but if you have contrast then yes and if you do not need contrast then no.A CT Scan needs contrast dye. Contrast dye is given to show up certain organs and also protect the kidneys. The dye can either be given in liquid form mixed with a tiny bit of fruit juice or pop (instructions will be given to you by your pharmacist if you are having liquid contrast dye) or the contrast dye may be given by IV at the imaging department. Depending on what time you are having your CT Scan you do need to fast. Example: If your CT Scan is in the morning then you can have breakfast, but nothing but LOTS of water during the whole day and another 2 litres of water before you go for your test. You may have other liquids only during fasting such as tea; fruit juice, but be sure you drink plenty of water! If you have future questions phoning any pharmacist will help you put your mind at rest.

Learning to treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.?

Celebrex is an FDA approved treatment for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis for children 2 years of age and above. As long as the medication is taken as prescribed it has been proven to be successful in treating pain associated with JRA.

With black furniture what paint goes well?

Light gray for a neutral, medium tan for classic, any deep saturated color for contrast, even red, as long as you have pillows and accent colors in other things to carry it along.Make sure you have a room with natural light for the deep colors.

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IUPAC Name - N, N Dimethylimidodicarbonimidicdiamide1) Metformin originally sold as Glucophase - it is an oral ant diabetic drug in the biguanide class.2) Metformin is first line drug of choice for the treatment of type-2 diabetes.3) Metformin is the only ant diabetic drug that has been conclusively shown to prevent the cardiovascular complication of diabetes. It helps to reduce LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglyceride level and not associated with weight gain.I observe that most of the doctor advice their patient not to use metformin because of its side effect and limitation.Following points will illustrate the cause of switchover from metformin:a) The most common adverse effect of metformin is gastrointestinal upset including diarrhea, cramps, nausea and vomiting.b) The most serious potential side effect of metformin use in lactic acidosis.c) Metformin has also been reported to decrease the blood level of thyroid stimulating hormone and in men testosterone.d) Long term use of metformin has been associated with increased homocysteine level and malabsorption of vitamin B12.e) Metformin always use to take after meal.f) Metformin is used with a proper diet and excersise program and possibly with other medication to control high blood sugar.g) Doctors advice their patient not to chew the tablet only swallow the whole pill.In the market there are number of drug which can replace metformin for exampleGalvus, januvia, onglyza they also have some side effect but they come with some advantageThis let the patient to switchover from metformin to other drug.a) Galvus, Januvia, Onglyza can be use before or after the meal.b) These drugs are not recommended with proper excersise and diet program.c) Doctor advice to take Galvus, Januvia, Onglyza in combination with metformin.

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