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around the 22nd wk of pregnancy. it then disappears from around the 31-40 week.

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Q: When is vernix and lanugo formed?
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The name for the soft hair that covers the fetus?

It is called lanugo, the skin is also coated with a white greasy like substance called vernix and protects the fetus from the effects of being in the amniotic sac ( bag of water)

What is a lanugo coat?

it is the hair that is formed in the baby's skin and disappears just before entering the birth canal.

What is the atomic number of Meconium?

This is the serious answer, if the question was also.Meconium is the greenish mass of mucous, desquamated epithelial cells, lanugo, and vernix caseosa that collects in the fetal intestine,becoming the first fecal discharge of the newborn.So it is NOT an atom, it has no number.If this question was NOT serious though, be aware, Vandal patrol is on its way.

What is a Baby's vernix?

A babys vernix is a waxy coat which protects the baby while in the womb. If your baby is premature there is a chance the baby wont have any vernix as they produce this is the last stages of pregnancy. I hope this helps A babys vernix is a waxy coat which protects the baby while in the womb. If your baby is premature there is a chance the baby wont have any vernix as they produce this is the last stages of pregnancy. I hope this helps

What is the meconium?

A greenish mass of mucous, desquamated epithelial cells, lanugo, and vernix caseosa that collects in the fetal intestine, becoming the first fecal discharge of the newborn.

What is the vernix caseosa?

The vernix caseosa is a white cheesy substance that covers and protects the skin of the fetus and is still all over the skin of a baby at birth. The vernix caseosa is composed of sebum (the oil of the skin) and cells that have sloughed off the fetus' skin.

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How do you clean vernix caseosa?

With baby oil.

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Where is lanugo found?

on a fetus Fadhil Alsultani

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