

When leaves drop where do they go?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They fall to the ground.......

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Q: When leaves drop where do they go?
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Does a deciduous tree drop leaves?

Yes :)

Does a deciduous trees drop its leaves?

Yes :)

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Most conifers have needles instead of leaves. Some conifers have leaves.

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Do Coniferous trees have large broad leaves that drop in the fall?

No they don't. What kind of trees are coniferous? It means, cone bearing. So, the most familiar kind of cone on a tree is the pine cone. What kind of leaves do pine trees have? They have needles, very narrow leaves that do not drop off in the fall, but stay on all year. Some conifers, such as the Larch, drop their leaves in the Autumn, but they do not have large broad leaves.

Why do cactus leaves drop off the plant?

It might be too cold. More likely you are over watering it. To prepare for xerophytic conditions the cactus leaves drop off the plent.